Chapter 11

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"Yahoo! Eren's going to a party!!!!" Yelled Sasha as I covered my ears to prevent my eardrums from breaking.

"Calm down Sasha, it's not that big a deal." I said rubbing my neck.

"It is such a big deal!" she continued yelling. "You used to be so much fun at parties, Eren. We missed you!" she said as she threw herself into a hug and wrapped her arms around me to the point to suffocation. I looked over at Armin who was adjusting some strings on his guitar, he didn't react all too well to me announcing I would be joining them at Ymir's. I mean it's not like he freaked out or anything. He kind of just looked a bit taken aback at first and then he shrugged it off and didn't much speak since. Maybe this was a mistake. But there was no getting out of it now since Sasha was so excited. Connie and Sasha loved parties. Our entire group did but those two really went crazy for them. Usually what happens when we go to parties as a group is we all stay together for the first half dancing and playing games and what not until everyone's had a few drinks. Then everyone goes and does their own thing. Marco and Jean end up sneaking off to the bathroom to have drunk sex which literally everyone hears. I mean, everyone. I accidentally walked in on them once and ended up throwing up right there in front of them since I was already shitfaced. The gross part is that they just kept going. Annie usually goes and records all the embarrassing shit random people do for blackmail which I always found both annoying and hilarious at the same time. But I only found it annoying when she did it to me. She once caught me doing a strip tease on the table when I was out of my mind drunk. Embarrassing, but kind of hot at the same time if I do say so myself. My inner whore tends to come out when I'm intoxicated. Mikasa was a lot more laid back than she usually was at parties and she even let herself have a few drinks. She's usually so disciplined all the time so it was fun when her and I played drinking games and I got to see the real her. I used to have a pretty high alcohol tolerance so she wouldn't get too worried about that. As for Connie and Sasha, they were the life of the party. They were the ones who initiated all the games like 7 minutes in heaven or kiss marry kill. And usually at Ymir's, since she had a pool, they would always do these huge ass cannonballs and disrupt whatever peace they might have had in there. But they always brought the most fun and got everyone riled up. That's why everyone always invited them. Not to mention that Ymir always ordered the best take-out in these huge quantities so that was a huge bonus for Sasha. The first 2 of highschool were the best, but then, life got in the way. It ruined one of the best memory makers I shared with my friends. I missed out on so much after that. But I wasn't gonna dwell on this anymore. As much as I hated myself for what happened, this would be different. It wouldn't be Petra's party so I wouldn't have to be as paranoid, and I wouldn't be drinking. That's the one rule I have to follow if this was going to go well.

"It's good to have you back hippie." Jean said from across the studio with his arm around Marco as usual. Everyone watched band practice today, including Annie and Mikasa. It was rare but they all wanted to catch up on what we had been working on lately.

"Yeah yeah. But I better not walk in on you and Marco again." I said pointing my finger at them both in a parental manner as they giggled nervously.

"I talked to Jean about that, we're not doing that at parties anymore." Marco with a bit of a serious tone, looking at Jean.

"That's what he thinks." Jean said with a smirk.

"So are you guys dressing up this year?" asked Mikasa eagerly. This was her favourite part of Halloween. She was a bit dorky like that.

"Ymir said it's mandatory. No costume, no entrance." added Sasha with a confident point to her finger.

"Come on! We're not children anymore. I didn't even pick out a costume!" I whined.

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