Chapter 18

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"Levi!" I cried out as I jumped to my feet and sprinted over to his partially unconscious body. I grabbed his face with both hands, grazing one over the part of his head that was bleeding from the fall. I tried opening his eyelids leading to him fluttering them and coming back to reality, gracefully.

"Eren?" he said with a raspy voice. I pushed his hair out of his face to give him some air and touched his forehead to check if he had a fever. Flaming to the touch.

"Shit! Levi you're burning up!" He turned away, slanting his eyebrows and avoiding eye contact. I stood up with him as he weekly attempted to get off the ground but miserably failed as he ended up collapsing back into my arms that were already prepared to catch him. He felt so much thinner. I swung one of his arms around my neck, wrapped my right arm around his waist, lifted his legs with my other and began walking to my car. It resembled the way grooms carried out brides in shitty romcoms. He tried to fight a little but it was no use as what appeared to be little shots of pain in his head would interrupt him. He rested his head against my chest, closed his eyes and squeezed my shirt in his free hand. "I'm taking you to Hospital."

"No!" he said in a grating voice. He looked angry and was still trying to come off as tough despite his current state. I stopped and stood in place. "C-can we just..." he panted short, quick and desperate breaths, and held tighter onto my shirt, like he was enduring something and fighting not to lose consciousness. "Can we just stay here?" he pleaded.

"Absolutely not! Look at you!" I yelled, angry that he was denying himself help. Angry that he was destroying himself in the first place. I didn't even know why he was doing this but I was angry.

"I just can't Jaeger. Please I'm fi-" but he didn't even get the chance to finish his own sentence as he hissed in pain and began choking on his words. It was that spot in his head again. I then began walking again at an even faster pace as he slowly gave up and rested his head back against my chest. It seemed like his hold on my shirt just kept getting tighter.

"When was the last time you slept more than two hour?" He didn't say anything. "When Levi?" I said more sternly. Still nothing. "Levi I swear to God."

"8 days." he replied with a hint of shame.


"Please Jaeger. Don't bring me to that place. It's not even that big of a deal." he cried out in exasperation with a clear tone of fury.

"I have to, Levi."I was trying to get the message across that he wouldn't easily bully me out of this. I opened my car door and laid him down gently in the back seat. He didn't seem to want to let go of me but he had to in the end since physically removed his fingers that clenched on my T-shirt. Before I closed the door, I rushed to the trunk and took out a blanket I had from the last road trip I took with Mikasa and flung it over him.

"I don't need this thing! If you take me to the hospital I swear to god I'm gonna-" he raged, but didn't even manage to continue as I saw his eyes roll back in his head.

"Levi!" I said slapping him on the cheek lightly. His eyes widened suddenly and I sighed in relief that he was alright. Well he wasn't alright but he was conscious.

"No hospital." he groaned.

"Levi I'm not budging. You haven't been sleeping at all. Based on the weight you've lost this past week I know you haven't been eating either. I fear that if I just left you alone and let you keep doing this, you would die. So you're not convincing me." he gave me a hateful glare as he subconsciously pulled up the blanket to his neck. I returned to the trunk to retrieve a clean cloth I had lying a round, took my water bottle out of my backpack and drenched the cloth with cool water. I then crawled up toward him and pushed his hair out of his face again. I pressed the cloth lightly against the bleeding spot on his head and he made a sound suggesting it was painful. I wiped away all the blood and told him to keep it there till we got to the hospital. It seemed my hand had a mind of its own as it slowly began caressing his cheek. It didn't seem like it was unusual for either of us. It felt appropriate. He still glared at me but he didn't move my hand or anything as I furrowed my eyebrows in concern. Eventually, he couldn't maintain his grimace and it melded to an expression similar to mine. I couldn't help but stare into his pained eyes and admire how beautiful he remained despite being in such a fragile and dire condition. I had to snap out of it though. I had to get him medical attention soon. When I got in the driver's and got on the main road, seat I struggled to keep my eyes on the road because I kept checking up on him through the rear view mirror.

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