Chapter 9

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The weekend was finally here. At last! Saturdays were the days I would have these 12 hour long movie marathons with Mikasa and Annie. I usually spent most of the weekdays at band practice after school so I saw Armin, Sasha and Connie the most. As for Jean and Marco, they were all over each other so they usually only hung out with the group at lunch and sometimes would watch band practice. But we all knew that they were always at each other's places the entire weekend doing lord knows what. Annie and Mikasa were pretty chill though. It was always good to have a whole day to not think and to mindlessly be consuming entertainment.

Today was, due to my brilliant suggestion of course, cheesy films from the 80s. Me and Annie both hated them and figured we'd watch them as a joke. But I'm pretty sure Mikasa found a new love for them and she slowly actually came to enjoy it. Whatever Mika, you do you. We watched 'The Breakfast Club', 'E.T' and we were just starting '16 Candles'. My eyes were already starting to dry up from staring at a screen for too long, but I didn't mind. My week was weird and confusing so I really felt the need to just melt my brain. Oftentimes, when I was younger and going through a sequence of unfortunate events, I would find myself either doing nothing in my room, sitting in complete darkness, or staring at a screen the entire day because those were the only ways to minimize the thinking, and the flashbacks and the nausea. I would always stay up during the night too so I wouldn't have nightmares. It did get better over time. A lot of that still occurs from time to time but it's definitely not as bad as it used to be. I've been managing pretty well and I did it without a therapist like my mother suggested. I didn't need that, because that would basically confirm me as like, hopelessly mentally ill, which I'm not. Something shitty happened and I'm over it. Nonetheless, frying my brain with television is fun, wether its an unhealthy coping mechanism or not.

"E, popcorn." said Annie, continuing to blankly stare at the screen.

"A, no." I said, mimicking her lazy and rude way of requesting me to go make her popcorn.

"Yes." she replied in the same blank tone as before.

"No," I once again answered.







"GOD!" Mikasa yelled, agitatedly getting off her seat to go get the job done herself. "You two are so much work sometimes. Eren, you being lazy isn't helping that belly of yours you've been complaining about'' she said exiting the room, but not before I flipped her off while continuing to look at the screen. I could see she was doing the same out of the corner of my eye. She was right though. I was losing my edge a bit and I needed to get back to where I used to be.

"She's right you know, those abs won't last without work." Annie said plainly.

"Whatever. Keep gulping down that popcorn and you won't be far off from me" I said unapologetically.

"Fuck you"

"Fuck you" We then both broke into a bit of laughter as Mikasa entered the room with a large bowl of popcorn in her hands, making her way back to the middle of the couch. Annie snorted violently when she laughed.

"It's almost like I'm the problem. I leave you alone for 2 minutes and you guys are getting along just fine." she huffed, leaning back into her seat. A few minutes passed before Annie once again broke the silence between us all.

"E, are you hooking up with Ackerman or something? Hitch says you guys talk a lot in Math class and you suspiciously dragged him out of class yesterday." said Annie, turning down the volume of the movie and shifting her position to look right at me.

"Ackerman? Levi Ackerman?" questioned Mikasa shifting just like Annie. " do know that-"

"Yes Mikasa, I know." I interrupted now turning to look at the both of them. It seemed like everyone knew who he was except for me before a few weeks ago. I don't know why it's all of a sudden so controversial for me and Levi to be friends. We are clearly just buddies that happen to be a part of a complicated situation. "And I am not hooking up with him. We're friends and we sit together in Math" I said grabbing the remote to turn up the volume and relaxing back into my seat. Annie then grabbed the remote again and turned it down.

"That still doesn't explain why you two walked off together in the middle of class. Got too horny to wait for after school?" she teased. God I hated when she was in this mood.

"A, I swear to God don't make me come over there." little snickers followed. "I dragged him out so we could clear things up about...the thing. We're cool now." I said, once again taking the remote into my hand and turning the volume up so I could continue watching the movie. It seemed that she had given up on her little taunts for a few seconds and I finally started following the story again. But of course, that lasted a good 30 seconds.

"Make up sex?" she said, looking at the screen with a malicious grin.

"That's it!" I crawled over top of Mikasa who was hollering for us to stop and clearly became agitated. I then began pummelling Annie with a pillow as we laughed hysterically and she begged me to stop saying she was sorry. But I continued until she was playing dead on the ground, and Mikasa was eventually laughing along with us. This is why I loved Saturdays.

"Hey guys, I love you." I said with a little smile on my face. Annie then slowly smirked and began talking in a semi sarcastic tone.

"Woah woah listen E, I know me and Mikasa are stunning, capable creatures but she's your sister, and you're not really my type so-"

"You know what you little shit, you should learn to shut the fuck up sometimes. I'm trying to have a moment here. I love you guys." I said, pulling them into each of my sides for a hug.

"We love you too Eren." said Mikasa now hugging me back.

"Hey! She doesn't speak for the both of us." Interjected Annie.

"You know you love me." I smirked.

"I do not"

"You do too"

"I do not"

"You do too"

"I do-"

"Shut it!" yelled Mikasa. "You guys are a real handful. Now be quiet so I can watch the movie."

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