Chapter 5

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"Come on E, you got this. Fuck em all if they say anything anyways." Annie said, with her arm around my neck, forcing me to lean down to her whopping height of 5,1 inches. I was an entire foot taller than her so it was quite uncomfortable as her blond hair brushed against my face. She roughly ruffled my hair in a big sister ish manner before letting me go.

"I honestly doubt that they will though. The rumours have kind of fizzled out and its old news." added Marco as he walked beside us to the math room. Annie would leave our side soon since she had to go to History.

How I wished they were right. Well, they were in the sense where nobody really said anything, but it didn't change the way they all stared at me. The entire classroom's eyes were shot up at me like a moth to a light. Despite me being late, Mr. Bozad somehow couldn't find it in him to scold me as he usually did and just watched me as I awkwardly squeezed in between desks to find my seat in the back of the classroom. Even Levi, who had usually been so careless and unbothered, was looking at me as if I was the ghost of Christmas past. I avoided eye contact as much as I possibly could. Now that I was thinking about it, Levi was the last thing I remember before blacking out and he was probably the first to notice me start to freak. I had to fix this. Even during the lecture, I could hear faint whispers with the words "drugs" and "fainted" and "crazy" mixed in. Sometimes I'd even catch a few people looking and quickly looking away. But the most intense gaze I felt was Levi's. I didn't dare look back at him but the entire lecture, he didn't avert his gaze and it was intimidating as hell.

"Hey." He said as the noise level in the class increased, meaning it was work time. I decided I would pretend like things were normal and fake a feeling of comfort. So I turned to face Levi and gave him a light grin.


"So uh...what the hell happened?" he said reluctantly, but determined to get some answers. I was tense, but I tried to appear as calm and collected as possible. Just like regular Eren.

"Oh. I'm not too sure actually. I don't remember anything." I said. That was the truth. "I had taken a little something before. I probably shouldn't have trusted that kid that offered it to me. No worries though I'm all good." That wasn't the truth. Levi narrowed his eyebrows a bit.

"You want me to tell you what happened?" He asked even more reluctantly than before.

"Sure. I'm sure it'll be a fun little story." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Well you really scared me. It was freaky. You started panting and whispering things and crying. You were holding on to me for dear life until your friends pulled you away. But then you got up, stood there for a minute and you just fell. You hit your head on the desk really loudly and stayed on the floor until the ambulance came. Before that though, you held onto me so tight, it ended up bruising. See?" he said, holding up his arm and lifting his sleeve to show me a bunch of purple splotches. I felt a surge of guilt. How could I do that to him? I barely knew him and here I was already hurting him already. I would be scared out of my mind too. I didn't look calm anymore. I was sure he saw the sheer horror on my face at what he had told me because he quickly continued speaking in an attempt to make things less awkward. "But it's ok, don't worry about it. If you were on something you couldn't control it." He reassured me. I tried finding the words to apologize. All I could think about was how that must have been so weird for him.

"I-I um I'm so sorry I didn't-"

"It's alright Jaeger. Honestly, don't worry about it." He interrupted. I swear I could see just a bit of sadness in his face as he said that. He turned back in his chair to his original position and put in his earbuds. Instead of sleeping in his desk or scrolling on his phone, he took out a book from his backpack and began reading. I saw little sticky notes coming out of it and saw that it had penciled in notes along the pages. I tilted my head to see what exactly the title was. Maybe I'd get a good idea of what he's into. Based on how many pages he had already read, I'm guessing he was an avid reader.

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