Chapter 31

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1 year and a half years earlier

"Armin! Eren! We're over here!" Shouted Marco from the other end of the diner. Annie was staring down at her phone mindlessly and not paying any attention to me and Armin. Jean and Marco were in the middle of an argument so were exchanging glares. This would be over in a few hours, don't worry. Connie and Sasha were flirting with each other in the only awkward way they knew how. Those two are gonna end up together one day for sure, but I can't say I didn't see them as anything more than just really good friends. Perhaps they were confusing those feelings for romantic ones. Sasha should really go for Nicolo, he's totally in love with her and I think they'd be good together. But who was I to interfere with their personal lives. Things would work out in the end.

Armin and I walked over to the table and we all exchanged a greeting.

"Guys, band is cancelled tomorrow by the way. Connie's sister has a fever and he has to stay and take care of her. And I have a family reunion." said Sasha as she took a massive bite into her double cheeseburger.

"That's fine. Ar, you wanna just hang out and write together then?" I said, looking over at him.

"Alright love." he replied brightly after taking a sip from his water. He then kissed me on the cheek lightly, making my face feel all warm.

"Gross." mumbles Jean.

"Says you." I reply. The whole table kind of 'oohed' and I smirked at him as he scowled.

"Mikasa, can you be in my short film again? Nobody does the stunts right." said Annie, still not looking wavy from her phone.

"Yeah I got you." Mikasa replied. "What are we thinking this time?"

"I'll show you the script in a bit."

"By the way Eren." I hummed in response as she caught my attention and I stopped playing with Armin's fingertips. "Mom and dad saw your report card. You're in for it." I groaned at that thought. I passed all my courses, but just barely. Dad being a doctor and mom being a Harvard graduate lawyer, this was not looking good for me.

"Oh well." I replied, returning my attention to Armin's hands and analyzing the calyces that had formed. He was practicing a lot lately.

"Oh well? Eren, next year you're a junior. Have you not thought of college at all?" she added.

"Mikasa." I said sternly. She huffed.

"All done." Armin suddenly interjected, holding a piece of paper in front of my face. It was another drawing of me, except I looked pretty pisssed in this one. I looked like I was arguing. I hadn't even noticed he had been drawing. I wrapped my arm around him and kissed him on the cheek before I gave my opinion.

"You made me look way better than I actually do today."

"Nonsense. If anything I didn't make you pretty enough."

"Get a room!" Jean shouted in his palms.

"Jean, didn't you and Marco literally fuck in a Wendy's bathroom once?" Armin said. Both him and Marco became all flushed as the entire group began laughing and pointing fingers at them.

We all kind of moved on from the subject and stayed at the diner for a few hours. Eventually, me and Armin decided to leave early. He whispered to me that he wanted to spend some time alone with me. How could I say no to that? It was relatively warm out today. We decided to hang out near the ocean and kind of just watch the boats. It was something we did often.

"Your eyes kind of look like the water." I said.

"That's like the millionth time you've told me that," he said as he giggled a bit, leaning on the edge of the gate

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