Chapter 29

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Conflict coming next chapter. Sorry I have to!

Soon enough, the storm clouds started to clear, and I felt life slowly begin to shift back to normal, minus Armin unfortunately. I had done a lot of thinking about what Levi had said. It wasn't difficult to guess after that conversation that Levi didn't like Armin and hadn't for a while. But not in the way he didn't like Jean. I'm pretty sure that was more of a joke. Now that we were both spending more time with each of our friends, Jean had actually taken a liking to Levi and he soon realized that most of Jean's behaviour was ironic. They had an interesting relationship. Connie and Sasha surprisingly got really close with Erwin and Hange, and Levi, I think, enjoyed their company the most. But when it came to Armin, the way Levi would speak about him showed that he had a genuine hatred for him. He always said that he detested the way he spoke to me and that he should learn to get over what happened. But Armin was gone now, so it didn't matter. We still don't have a guitarist to replace him but I had learned how to play both parts and sing. It was really difficult and Connie would scold me twice as hard but at least I could play music.

Not to my surprise, Levi, Mikasa and Annie became pretty attached to each other. They all had a similar way of communicating to people and they all had some stuff in common. Turns out that Levi was crazy good Aikido which happened to be one of the many martial arts Mikasa dominated in. So they would often wrestle each other and test each other's strength. They were surprisingly evenly matched which was rare because of that superhuman strength Mikasa has. As for him and Annie, they listened to all the same music and watched all the same movies so they always had something to talk about. Another good thing that had come about was him gradually becoming more comfortable in the bedroom. I was able to start going at paces I preferred and he was way freakier than I thought he was. Like, way freakier. Not complaining though. He was really good at it. I did regret one thing though. During my whole little episode, we couldn't do anything for fake Valentine's day or April fool's Day and I felt so guilty. I had everything all planned out. I was gonna bring him to the show and play him the song. Then we would go drive around the city in my car with his favourite music, go to this art gallery that was showing and then spend the rest of the night at my place. It would be empty anyways since Mikasa had been hanging out with Annie a bit more and my parents were always busy so I knew they wouldn't be home. It would be perfect. But then everything had happened. He was still really sweet about it and ended up coming over with a bunch of junk food and rental movies. We just held each other the whole night and it was what I needed back then. Next year I'll do something. I found it cool that I could see myself still being with Levi in a year.

"Sasha, Connie, these are the parts for a new song." I said while handing them sheets of music.

"Eren, I told you I don't read sheet music. I learn it by ear. Not everyone was a weird music prodigy in their early childhood." he said clearly annoyed.

"Well you're gonna have to learn soon cause I just wanna jump right into it yeah?" I said innocently.

"Just play the song Eren and then teach us the parts like you always do." Sasha whined.

Practice went pretty smooth after that. It felt unnatural without Armin, but we had gotten used to it by now. They ended up loving the song. Now all we needed to do was get it perfect and find a place to perform it. But now I was going over to pick up Levi so we could go to Isabel's and hang out with their whole group. They were having a game night.

Levi: You wanna bring Sasha and Connie over too?

Me: Nah. Band practice just finished and they're hanging out with Jean and Marco later.

Levi: Alright. Don't forget the snacks.

Me: way ahead of u :)

Levi: you*

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