Chapter 2

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I was so out of breath at this point. Mr. Bozad, the dictionary definition of an ulcer, was giving me a nasty glare as I held onto the door frame attempting to catch my breath. God he gave me such a headache. He might be the math teacher but he was dumbfounded enough to constantly bite his tongue when he was speaking. At least that entertained me. Seeing him stumble on his words as he bleed out. I longed for the day he would bite down too hard by accident. Too dark?

"Mr. Jaeger, exactly what is your excuse for showing up to my class 10 minutes late so early into the school year?" he said with that obnoxious tone of his. It was so difficult not to roll my eyes. I gritted my teeth slightly and looked toward the side so he wouldn't see how utterly repulsed I looked.

"Sorry, overslept'' I replied coldly.

"Take your seat in the back over there in the back". I looked over to the spot where Mr. Bozad was pointing to see a boy with shiny black hair, face buried in his forearms on the top of his desk beside an empty seat. Was he sleeping? No he couldn't have been, he was shuffling around and his foot was rapidly bouncing under the table. I made my way over to the back as I tried to squeeze my way through the other desks.

"Alright class. Welcome to grade 12 Math. We're starting with trigonometry so open your textbooks to page 53. " the teacher continued. God, what a bore. Shapes and angles really made me want to throw myself off of a bridge. He went on with the lesson for what seemed like an eternity before finally assigning us some homework and giving us a 30 minutes work period. The class had broken out into a chatter as people started talking to the people beside them in an effort to get to know one another considering this was the first day in this class after all. I was relieved to see that my friends, Jean and Marco were in this class. Jean has ashy brown hair and is around the same height as I am. We get told we look a like a lot but I honestly don't see it. We were way different and the way we would get compared so often ended up being one of the reasons I decided to grow my hair out. Well one of two reasons but the other isn't really important right now. Marco was a cute, but ironically buff guy with dark hair, little freckles and an innocent smile. He was the twink of our friend group. He always wore warm sweaters and despite how innocent he looked, Jean tended to bring out a side of him that no one liked. They sat a few desks in front of me so I could maybe talk to them once in a while to pass the time. But, once you put Jean and Marco together, you can't really get their full attention without getting interrupted by them giggling and touching each other.

"Hey Eren!" called out Jean tauntingly. I quickly jerked my head up from my phone to look at him. Marco had one hand on the latter's thigh. It made me roll my eyes slightly. "Guess we all have a class together then hippie boy." He continued with a smirk. He called me a hippie because of my longer hair that I usually wore in a short ponytail. For some reason, he saw that reason enough to associate me with the flower power movement. I didn't take it personally though. I knew he was just teasing. Me and Jean were actually pretty close but we had this weird dynamic where we would always insult each other. Makes life a bit less boring if you ask me.

"I guess we do horse face.'' I replied. We both laughed before he turned around to kiss Marco on the cheek as they both blushed as they ran their hand up each other's shirts. This was the side of Marco nobody liked. God can they just get a room? Marco was generally very different from Jean, but their personalities complement each other weirdly. Jean was the kind of guy that you either hated or loved. He had a sort of cocky way of speaking but you had to get to know him to know that it was mostly ironic and he could be really sincere most of the time. He was super annoying to some people while others seemed to find him really fun to hang around. Him and Marco were cute together though, I'll admit it.

The guy beside me had lifted his head by now and was diligently working on the textbook questions assigned. He put his pen in between his teeth whenever he would pause to think about a question and he was lightly tapping his foot to whatever was playing in his headphones. He wore this stone cold look on his face and showed no emotion. I couldn't tell if he enjoyed the class and liked math, or if he was dreading it as much as the rest of us and getting all the homework over and done with. Because I had such a difficult time reading him, and I didn't have enough information to figure out what kind of person he would enjoy hanging out with, I decided to leave him be for today. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk to anyone right now. Perhaps he was in a bad mood.

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