Chapter 29

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Tris P.O.V~

We walk to the train in silence. Well, in silence and me asking him what's wrong but he just kept on walking.

"What was that?" I ask.

"What was what?" He says sternly.

"You, getting all tensed when Max mentioned the factionless. You're not telling me what's wrong." I spit out. "Tell me what's wrong." I say a bit calmer.

"It doesn't involve you." He says and looks out the door.

"You are honestly impossible to deal with." I say.

"Why do you even care." He asks turning to face me.

"Because it's making you upset." I say calmly, slowly walking towards him.

"It's nothing big, really." He says.

"So if it's not big, then why don't you tell me?" I say.

"You'll find out later." He says.

I groan loudly and sit down in a corner.

He turns around to look at me.

"Don't be like that." He says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Getting pissed off for something so small. Your so high maintenance. You think everything comes easily." He says leaning against the wall.

"You barely know me. You can't judge someone you've barley known for less than 3 months!" I exclaim. "I never should've said yes to your proposal. I knew we were going to fast!"

"So your saying you don't want to marry me?" He asks clearly pissed.

"I never said that. I said we're moving to fast. You should really listen more." I say.

"I was listening and you said you never should've said yes to my proposal!" He says.

"Okay, I did say that. But I didn't mean it like that, I meant the last part where I knew we were going to fast."

Tobias looks out the door. "We're here. Let's jump."

I scoff and roll my eyes. I get up and dust myself off and get ready to jump.

Tobias jumps off first and I follow.

We see Caleb outside the Factionless centre.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi." Tobias and I reply.

"Ready?" He asks us. We both nod. We start walking towards the centre.

"Who wants to talk? I definitely don't." Caleb says.

"I'll do it." Tobias says.

"Alright." Caleb says and we walk in.

We weave through people.

"This is Factionless?" Caleb says. "This is insane."

How does Tobias know where to go?

People are staring at us, but mainly Tobias. They see him and run in a certain direction.

We go to a door with an 'E' on it. Tobias walks in. Caleb and I follow.

People are surrounding a desk. They see Tobias and leave quickly.

"Well if it isn't Tobias Eaton." A lady sitting at a desk. "Have you agreed to my offer?" What offer? And how does she know his name? How many secrets has he been hiding from me?

"No I haven't. We're here for something else." Tobias says sternly.

"Tobias, you shouldn't talk to your mother that way."


➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Sorry it's short. And sorry it took so long. Love ya guys!

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