Chapter 12

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When Uriah and I walk into Max's office, there's only Max, Eric, and the leaders or Amity and Candor. Where's Erudite and Abnegation. Abnegation think it would be too selfish to be late and come early.

"I know that you are all wondering, 'where's Erudite and Abnegation?' well, I was just informed that the Erudite leader, Jeanine Matthews, has died in a lab accident. Also, the Abnegation leader, Marcus Eaton, has be charged guilty of child abuse."

Just as the word 'abuse' leave his mouth, Caleb, Cara and other Erudite leaders come barreling in. Quietly behind, come my dad, mom, and Susan.

"Sorry we're late, did we miss anything." Caleb asks.

"No, nothing at all. Now that we are all here, let us begin." Max announces.

"Ok, first things first, peace between the factions. Any ideas?" Johanna starts.

I look around, everyone is thinking. Eric starts.

"Why don't we just not have a faction system." He spits. Everyone glares at him.

"Eric..." Max whispers.

"Umm..." I start. "Why don't we have 5 weeks of factions. Where each faction is open for a week, to see how other factions live and it last for 5 weeks." I suggest.

"That's a wonderful idea. However, I think we should have twice a year." Johanna insists.

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Great." Max says. "Next, the factionless what do we do with them."

"Well, maybe when the kids reach the age of 11, they can go to each faction for a year for five years." Uriah says.

"Ya and when they turn 16 they get a choice for which faction the aptitude test says like every other 16 year old." I add.

"I think we all I agree to that." Max says. Everyone nods.

"Last thing to clear for today is Marcus Eaton." He pauses. I stiffen and look at Uriah. We both have a worry look. "Innocent or guilty?"

As if that was a cue, Marcus appears at the doorframe.

"I'm here for her." He says and points to me. I stiffen, Uriah puts a arm over my shoulder protectively.

"You'll never get me." I spit.

"Oh really. Son, could you come here for a second." He smirks. What?

Tobias walks in, his expression as cold as stone. I barely see him wink at me. What's he doing?

"Shoot her." Marcus says.

"What! No!" Uriah yells.

"Uriah, it's fine." I reassure.

"Not it's not!"

"Trust me." He nods.

Tobias takes out his gun and points it at me. He puts the bullet in the chamber. He's about to shoot but at the last second, he turns the gun, aim it at Marcus and shoots.

"He's guilty." Tobias says.

"Why?" My dad says.

"Child abuse, and murder." Max reads his file out loud.

"So that's where I remember you from. Well I'm glad that you are dating my daughter." My mom says.

"How do you know that where in a relationship?" I question.

"A mother knows her child better than you think." She smiles.

"And mom..." I show her my hand.

"Your engaged?" I nod. She hugs me.

"I'm so happy for you two."

"Ugh. Mushy family stuff. Take it outside." Eric interrupts.

"Oh can it Eric." I sass.

"Eric?" My dad questions.

"What!" Eric says with annoyance in his voice.

"What faction did you come from?"

"Um, Erudite. Why?"

"What's your mothers name?"

"I don't know. Uhh... Rachel?"

"My sister."

"Your what!?" Eric and I both yell.

"Rachel is my sister. She stayed in Erudite, while me and my other sister transferred. Rachel told me she had a son, Eric. And how he transferred to Dauntless." My dad says calmly.

"That means..." I start.

"We're cousins." Eric finishes. I fake gag.

"Oh I know a Rachel. She helped me in initiation. But she never told me she was my aunt." Caleb says.

"Well maybe she didn't want to tell you during initiation, you'd be too focused on wonder about your family and not about initiation." My mother says.

"Where did your other sister transfer to?" I ask my dad.


"Maybe I know her, what was her name?" Max asks.


All I think is Uriah's mom's name is Hanna. I turn to Tobias and Uriah.

"You don't think--" I get off by Tobias.

"It can't be--" but he gets cut off by Uriah.

"It might be."

"Uriah," Max says, "isn't your mom's name Hanna?"

"Ya. Let me go get her." Uriah says and leaves.

"That'd be so weird if I was related to them..." I says to no one in particular.

While all this bazaar stuff is happen, I see the Amity and Candor leaders leave.

"Since the meeting is done, I'm going to drive Jack back to Candor. Have a nice day." Johanna says.

Moments later Uriah comes in with his mom and Zeke.

"Andrew?" Hanna says.

"Hanna?" My dad says.

They go in for a hug.

"Natalie?" Hanna says after the hug.

"Hanna." My mom says.

They hug. Now I'm confused.

"Explain." Is all I say.

"Well, Uriah, Zeke, Tris, and Eric, you guys are all cousins." Hanna says.

"Ya I got that part, just what about you two?" I point to my mom and Hanna.

"We were best friends before I transferred." My mom says.

"You were Dauntless?" I ask. She nods.

"And you were Erudite?" My brother asks my dad. He nods.

"Wow." Caleb and I both say.

All of the sudden, Will comes barging through the door.

"Cara? Someone told me you were here." He says.

"Will." Cara says. And they go in for a hug.

"What's happening now?" Caleb asks.

"Caleb, I'd like you to me my brother Will."

Yay, more family reunions. Note the sarcasm.

"I'm hungry." Uriah whines.

"Then let's go to lunch you big baby." Zeke says.

"Ezekiel! Be nice." Hanna says.

"Ezekiel?" I laugh.

"Shut it." He says. "Let's go."

"Ya, now we have to explain to your girlfriend/fiancé that we're cousins. Oh joy." I says sarcastically.

"Bye guys." We all say.

We all walk out and go to the cafeteria after that long, confusing meeting.

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