Chapter 4

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When we reach the net we see the boys coming. Crap.

"Hurry up! Get into the net." I hear Lynn command. We all get into the net but moments later I feel the net shifting, but no one is climbing on. I feel someone's hand grab my arm from underneath the net, I turn around quickly and see Tobias and the rest of the guys grabbing their girlfriends arms, they still have cake on their faces. "We're gonna get you back." Uriah basically yells.

"And how do you think you'll do that?" Marlene asks

"You'll see." Zeke answers while all the guys are ginning evilly. Uh oh.

"And we're not leaving until you guys leave." Tobias says. They're gonna rub cake all over our faces is all I think.

"Ugh, whatever they have planned won't be that bad." Shauna says.

"Ya." Lynn, Marlene and I say.

"Um I don't know about this guys." Chris says

"Come on Chris it can't be that bad. The worst that could happen is you clothes and hair could get ruined." Marlene states.

"Exactly my point! My clothes and hair are the most important things to me." Chris shouts.

We just roll our eyes and get out of the net. Once we're out the boys pick us up and spin us around. The place us down and kiss us. I smile into the kiss and so does Tobias. Tobias pulls away first and then dumps a bucket of freezing cold water on me, before I do anything else I turn and hug Tobias so quickly, that he had no time to escape. I let go and see me and Tobias soaked. I turn around and see Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn soaked as well, but Zeke, Uriah, and Peter and laughing their heads off. "Wait why is Peter here?" I whisper to Tobias

"Him and Lynn are dating." He whispers back.


"Ya, when we were coming here we ran into him and he said that he was looking for Lynn because they were gonna go on a date."

Oh my gosh. Is all I think. I don't want to talk about it anymore so I change the subject.

"By the way, where's me ring?" I ask

Tobias chuckle a bit and takes out a small box and opens it. He grabs my left hand and slides the ring on my ring finger. I look at it closely, it's a simple ring. A dark grey band and 1 black gem in the middle. Engraved on the band is 4+6 on the outside. I smile. "I love it." I tell Tobias

"I thought you would."

"Ha! I knew it was a bad idea to get out of the net!" Christina shouts.

"Okay we get it, lets just go back to the apartment and play candor or dauntless" Zeke says with annoyance in his voice. "Okay." Everyone mumbles. So we head back to the apartment.

A/N: Guys, I'm extremely sorry that it takes me a long time to post. And that this chapter is short. School is really crazy, so I'm sorry for now and for future times. Love ya guys. Thx for readying.


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