Chapter 14

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Tris POV~
Chris and I are just walking around the pit.
"So what exactly are we shopping for?" I ask Chris.
"Just some simple stuff for your birthday." She says.
I know Christina, and when she says she's buying simple stuff, I come back with around 10 bags in each hand. Every time...
Tobias POV~
When Christina pulls Tris away to go shopping, Tris mouths the words 'help me', I chuckle and shake my head. With in seconds she's gone.
Right after they leave, Will starts, "Ok, so while Christina takes Tris shopping, we need to plan what we should do for her party."
"Easy, the night before he birthday we all hang out and play Candor and Dauntless. Then the next day, we'll have a party for anyone to come." Shauna says.
"It's all settled. Oh and you guys can come if you want to." Zeke says pointing to the faction leaders.

"I must warn you, I am one of the best at Candor or Dauntless. No one has beaten me, ever." Natalie says.
"Listen lady," Uriah starts "I don't know what kind of questions you had when you were here, but right now, I have never been beaten."
"So what your saying is, it's on?" Natalie says.
"So on." Uriah says with a smirk.
"Well we're gonna go help Cristina with shopping. You guys figure out what your gonna get her 'cause we're not helping you." Shauna orders. The girls leave.
"We should get going too." Caleb says.
They all leave.
"So Four, what are you getting Tris?" Zeke asks.
"I have no idea." I reply.
"Get her a necklace." Will suggest.
"That's actually a pretty good idea." I say. "What are you guys getting her?"
"I just ask Christina to help me." Will says.
"Your so lucky. Marlene and Shauna aren't gonna help us..." Uriah says pointing to Zeke.
"Four." Max calls.
"I guess I gotta go." I stand up. "Oh and don't get anything stupid." I tell Zeke and Uriah.
"What's up?" I ask Max once I reach him.
"We need a place for the leaders to stay and I have no idea. What do you think?" Max asks.
"What about Tris' old apartment. I mean, it's just after initiation so why not? It shouldn't even be in use." I suggest.
"That's a perfect idea. You should really become a leader."
"You really want me as a leader don't you?"
"Okay. I'm in."
"Really!?" He sounds shocked.
"Awesome! Got to go now. We'll talk about this later." And he runs off. I walk back to the table.
"We should totally get her a jetpack!" Uriah exclaims. Zeke nods.
"You guys are idiots." I chuckle.
"That's what I've been saying." Will mutters.
"What about this." Uriah shows us his tablet. There's a picture of bow and arrow.
"It says it's not even in stores yet, only leaders can buy them." Uriah reads.
"That's actually a good idea." I tell them.
"Thanks. That means a lot." Uriah says and puts his hand over his heart.
"But your still an idiot." I smirk.
"Ouch. That hurt."
"Shut up..." Zeke says. "We should go get the girls and get going, it's getting late."
"Ya let's go." I say.
With that we leave.

A/N: Hi guys! So, extremely sorry that this took a while. School is very busy. I got a lot of projects and tests. Very sorry.
Thx for reading my story. I'll try to post soon but no promises. 😊 But please comment and vote!
Love ya all! 😘

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