Chapter 11

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It took me a bit over an hour to get ready. I mean it's not like I'm going on a date. Anyways, the girls made me wear a flowing black, white, and grey crop top. A black skirt, really short one. A leather jacket. Also a pair of black boots that go above the knee. For my hair, the girls straightened it and then they put it in a high pony tail to show my earrings. For make up Christina did a smokey eye, with mascara and eyeliner. She gave me red lipstick. I looked in the mirror and the first thing that comes to my mind is my family. What will they think of me? I'm sure my mom would be fine but my dad and Caleb.

"Chris, you do know that both my parents and Caleb will be there?" I ask.

She replies with an "umhm."

I sigh.

When Christina finished her 'finishing touches' it's already time to go. The girls a walking with me to Max's office to keep me company. Along the way, we run into Uriah.

"Woah Tris, you" Uriah complements.

"Thanks Uri." I reply and Christina smacks him on the back of the head.

"You know Uri," Christina starts, "your lucky Four wasn't here, but Marlene is--" but gets cut off by Marlene starting to cry.

Later do I know that Marlene is balling her eyes out.

Christina whispers to me, "Don't worry, she's faking."

About 30 seconds later, Marlene starts to chuckle. Soon her chuckle turns into a laugh. By now we're all laughing.

"Why would you do that to me!?" He whines and pouts his lower lip.

Marlene kisses it and says, "Next time, I won't be laughing, she warns.

I look at my clock and the meeting starts in 10 mins. "Uriah, we should get going."

"Yeah, let's go."

A/N: hey initiates! Sorry it's short, I'll try and make the next one soon.


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