Chapter 23

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Tris P.O.V ~

"I dare you to open my present." Tobias says and hands me a gift.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"12:08. So it's officially you birthday." Chris says.

"Alright." I says and start to open Tobias' gift.

I open the box and see that there's a note.

When I first saw you, I knew you were the one. It wasn't in the Dauntless compound, it was when you came to my house after my mother 'died', I knew you'd be perfect for me. I won't do anything to hurt you, I'll protect you until I die. I love you and will love you for the rest of my life.

When I finish reading I'm on the verge of tears. I look back in the box and see a smaller box. I open and see a necklace with a locket on it. I open the locket and see two pictures. One of just me a Tobias and another one of the group.

"I love it. It's perfect. " I say and face Tobias. I lean and kiss him. We kiss for about two minutes when we hear Zeke and Uriah both yell,

"Enough PDA! Open our present!"

"Alright, alright."

I grab a box labeled 'For Trissypoo!'.

"Of course." I mumble.

I open the present and see a bow and arrows. This is so cool.

I take the bow out of its box and look at it closely. There's an engraving on it.

We may not be blood siblings but you'll always be our little sis.

"Love it." I say. They high five each other.

"Whose next?" I ask.

"Open mine." Chris says. I look at Lynn and she shakes her head.

"How about Lynn?" Chris pouts.

"Peter and I combined presents." She says and hands me two boxes.

I open the first one and it's a leather knife holder with my name in it. I open the other box and it have four knives with '6' dm engraved on it.

"I love these. Thanks you guys."

"No problem." Peter and Lynn both say.

"Will, you're next." I say. And he hands me my gift.

I open it and find a black and grey gun and gun holder.

"Thanks Will, I love it!" He smiles, "no problem."

"Is it my turn?" Chris whines.

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'.

"I'm gonna open this one." I grab the biggest box. I open the card.

You have turned out to become the young lady we've always wanted you to be. We hope you have a wonderful life in dauntless, we know you will. You're so strong, brave, smart, kind, beautiful, the list could go on. I'm sure Tobias has said that at least once. We will support whatever decisions you make. We will always be proud.
Love you forever and always,
Mom, Dad, and Caleb.

I'm crying right now. I stand up and hug my family.

"Thank you so much." I say.

"You haven't even open the present." My mom says gently.

I let go and open the present. There's a small box and I open it.

"What's this?" I ask.

"It's a phone. It's pretty much a smaller version of a tablet. They come out in a month." Caleb explains.

"Cool." I say.

I look back in the big box and see a photo album. I take it out and open them. It's all pictures of me and Caleb when we were young.

"You're allowed to have a camera in abnegation?" I ask.

"No but leaders get what ever they want." My dad says. I nod understandingly.

I keep flipping when a picture catches me eye.

"Who's this?" I ask. I'm hugging a boy.

"Guess." My mom smiles.

"Tobias?" I guess. She nods.

"I don't even remember this. Do you?" I ask. He nods.

"Well, you mother and I are going to leave. See you later." My dad says and leaves.

"I'm going to go to. Cara is probably waiting." Caleb says and goes.

"Okay Chris, give me your present." I say.

"Finally." She exclaims.

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