Chapter 17

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Tris P.O.V. ~

I wake up at 8:00. Ugh, I've got work. I turn over to look at Tobais, but we wasn't there and the bed was cold. Wonder where he was.

I walk out of the bedroom and see Tobias on the couch, watching tv.

"Hey." He says when he notices me. I give him a small smile. I walk up to him and wrap my small arms around him and lean into his side.

"I was just about to wake you up. You have work." I smirks.

"Don't remind me." I groan. He chuckles. "And I'm hungry." I whine. He chuckles again.

"Here. I got you a muffin." He hands me a berry muffin.

"Thanks." I mumble still sleepy.

"You have work soon so hurry up."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

I head to get dressed.


I'm walking to mine and Uriah's office and I hear music. What's Uriah doing now? I think to myself. I open the door and see Uriah on his tablet and working? Uriah, actually doing work?

"Who are you and what have you done to the real Uriah?" I joke.

"What do you mean?" He sounds confused.

"Your actually working." I say and turn down the music a bit.

"Well I had no one to talk to and I had nothing to do, so I just did some work."

"What ya working on?" I ask leaning over his shoulder.

"I got a message from Erudite saying that a tornado is coming, they said that all we need to do is be in a basement or underground, and since the compound is under ground, we're safe. However, Amity don't have basements strong enough so they are coming here until the storm ends. Max's orders." Uriah tells me.

"Cool. But wait, we don't have enough supplies to support three whole factions." I say.

"Umm, why don't we call amity to bring food, and abnegation to bring blankets to sleep on?" He suggests.

"Okay." I call Johanna's number.

Tris: Johanna:

Hi Johanna, it's Tris Prior from dauntless.

Oh hi Tris, we're so thankful that your letting us stay until the storm ends. Is there a problem?

Well not necessarily a problem but when you guys come, could you bring some food. We might not have enough for everyone.

Oh that's perfectly fine. Well I got to go. I'll see you all soon. Bye.


And I hang up. I sigh.

"Wanna go check out the store." Uriah asks.

"You can tell I'm bored can't you?" I ask. He chuckles and nods. "Well let's go."

We walk to an exit, Uriah making jokes along the way, we go onto the roof where initiates jump of. I've only been out here for a few seconds and I'm already soaked.

"Shit." Is all Uriah says.


The wind is blowing like crazy, street lights and tree branches have fallen. It's starting to get cold. I cough.

"We should get you inside, you don't want to be sick on your birthday." Uriah says. I nod. We walk back inside.

I'm coughing like crazy.

"Woah are you okay?" Uriah asks with concern. I nod but cough again. "You sure." I nod.

"I'm gonna get something to drink at the cafe. Meet you back at the office." He nods and we walk in separate directions.

I walk into the cafeteria and not a lot of people are in there. I guess it'd be like that, lunch isn't for a while. I go and get some tea, my throat is starting to hurt. Oh great. Note the sarcasm. I also get some microwaveable soup for later, if I wants some when I'm working. I get chicken noodle. Hmm, never had it before, sounds good though. I think to myself. I get my stuff and head back to the office.

I walk into my office and Uriah looks bored out of his mind.

"Finally! You took so long!" Uriah complains.

"I was gone for 5 minutes." I state.

"Actually you were gone for 7 minutes and 43 seconds!"

"Whatever. What does Max need us to do now?"

"Figure out where Amity is gonna sleep and stay and to meet him after lunch to greet the factions.

"Oh joy." I says sarcastically. I cough and take a sip of my tea.

"How you feeling?" Uriah asks in his big brother tone.

"I'm okay." I reply. Someone knocks in the door.

"It's open!" Uriah yells. Lazy butt. "That hurt." He says jokingly. I smirk.

Marlene and the girls walk.

"Hey." They all say.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"Uriah said he was bored and you were getting sick so we came to cheer you up." Christina said.

"Let me guess, by shopping?"

The girls shake their heads no, but Lynn nods. I chuckle.

"Sorry girls, I gotta work." I say trying to get out of it.

"What do you have to do?" Shauna asks.

Before it can answer, Uriah cuts in. "We have to find a place where Amity can sleep and stay, then after lunch we just have to greet them and that's it."

"Great! Then we can go shopping!" Christina squeals. I cough. "Shit you okay?" She asks more seriously. I nod. "No your not. Instead of shopping we're gonna take care of you." Christina says.

All of the sudden Tobias walks in.

"Hey." He says and pecks me on the cheek.

"Hi? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"This is my office now." He smirks.

"Your a leader now?" I question.


I cough.

"Okay, Tris go rest. Four and I got it around here." Uriah commands.

"What's wrong?" Tobias asks.

"Well we went outside to check on the storm for about 15 seconds then she started coughing." Uriah explains.

"And my thought hurts." I add.

Tobias stands up and kisses my forehead, "Feel better."

With that, the girls are dragging me out the door.

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