Chapter 5

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Everyone walks into the apartment but I pull Tobias back. "By the way," I start, "I don't want to get married until I'm at least 17."

"Whatever you want." Tobias says and leans in to kiss me.

"Hey! No PDA!" Uriah yells pulling us into the apartment.

"Ok, no that everyone us here," Zeke says eyeing Tobias and I, "we can start. Shauna and Tris it's you turn."

Shauna and I walk over to the corner and discuss who our next victim will be. We decide on Uriah. Since it's obvious he'll pick dare.

We walk back to the group and sit down. "Uriah, truth or dare." I ask

"Well, for once I'm gonna pic truth." Uriah answers.

"My own brother, a pansycake?" Zeke says imitating Uriah.

"Oh shut up and give me the damn question."

"Uhhh-" I start but Shauna cuts me off

"What's the one thing you don't like about Marlene?" Shauna asks

"There's nothing I don't like about her, she's perfect in my eyes." Uriah says making Marlene blush.

"Oh come on, that's so cheesy. Actually answer, or you'll be an even bigger pansycake." Zeke says.

"Ok. IF there was a flaw, Marlene is kinda pushy. And I mean that in the nicest way possible." He says look at a glaring Marlene. I can't help but give a slight chuckle along with everyone else.

"Um Christina, dauntless or candor?" Uriah asks.

"Um dauntless." She replies.

"I dare you to not go shopping for 2 weeks" Uriah grins evilly.

Christina takes off her jacket while she says, "never gonna happen." Everyone laughs.

"Um, four truth or dare?" Christina asks.

"Dare" he replies.

"Dare you to tell us your real name."

In one swift movement, Tobias takes off his shirt.

He quickly says, "Zeke, my old pal, truth or dare?"

"Dare of course."

"7 minutes in heaven, with Shauna, go." Tobias commands.

Zeke grabs Shauna's hand and goes into our bedroom. A few minutes later we hear a few moans and we all start cracking up! 7 minutes are up and Uriah gets up and opens the door without a warning and yells, "7 minutes are up!"

"Uriah! Ever heard of knocking??" Shauna yells.

"I've heard of it, I just don't bother to use it." Uriah replies.

I hear a slapping noise, assuming it was Shauna slapping Uriah. And I was right. 'Cause Uriah comes rubbing his cheek. A few minutes later Zeke and Shauna come out with swollen lips and messed up hair. "Woah. What happened in there?" Tobias asks holding in a laugh. "Shut up." Zeke commands. And that's when we all burst out into laughter.

"Anyways," Zeke yells over the laughter. "Will, candor or dauntless?"

"Dauntless." Will replies with out thinking.

"I dare you to go kiss the first person you see in the hallway." Zeke says.

"Okay." Will replies. Uriah and I go to witness.

We go outside and wait for someone to walk by because everyone is in their own apartments. The science is broken until Uriah says, "Hey look, two noses coming this way." I turn around.


"Cara?" Will says.

Caleb's POV~

**An hour before**

"Hey Caleb." I hear Cara say while wrapping her arms around my waist. I kiss the top of her head, "How was shopping with Lily?" I ask her. Initiation ended a week ago and me and Cara are dating and living in the same apartment.

"It was ok I guess. I wasn't with you though." I smile at her comment.

"You know, dauntless initiation just ended. Do you want to go over and see Will and Beatrice?" Cara suggests.

"Sure, I mean I'm pretty sure the leaders wouldn't mind." I reply and smirk because we both did so well in initiation, that we both became leaders.

"Ok, let's go." She says.

We arrive at Dauntless HQ and we walk in. Anytime we walk by someone, they give us strange looks, well I would too if someone from another faction was at Erudite. We turn the corner and I hear some whispering then I hear "Caleb?" and "Cara?"

A/N: Hey guys, I know I take a long time to post a new story, it's just that I have lot of school work. Plz keep reading.

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