Chapter 6

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Tris POV~

Why are they here? Is all I think. And why is Cara here, I hate that girl.

"Well Will, do your dare." Uriah says pushing Will toward them.

"Cara why are you here?" Will asks.

"I came to see my brother, and ask how he did on his initiation." Cara replies.

"Well I did okay. My friends and I are playing candor or dauntless, wanna play with us?" Will asks

"Sure" Caleb and Cara both reply.

"Speaking of candor or dauntless, Will your dare." Uriah reminds Will.

"Oh right." Will leans down and kisses Cara's head.

"Hello Beatrice, how did you do in initiation.?" Caleb asks

"It was good. I came in 1st." I reply

"Wow 1st place. That great."

I fake a smile. "Thanks. Let's get back inside." I tell them.

We walk inside and right away Zeke yells "Finally you guys are here, how long does it take to kiss someone Will? Like what were you doing out there? Wait... Who are they?" He points at Caleb's and Cara.

"Everyone meet my brother Caleb and Will's sister Cara." I tell them.

We all sit back down and it's Will's turn.

"Caleb. Truth or dare?"

"Um truth." Caleb answers.

"Are you dating anyone?"

"Actually yes I am. I'm dating Cara." He says and puts an arm around her. I do a fake gag.

"Is there a problem." Cara ask.

"No not at all." I reply with a fake smile.

"Meow. Cat fight." Uriah says. And everyone is staring at me.

"What?" I ask them.

"Why did you do a fake gag when you found out your brother was dating Cara?" Christina questions. I sigh.

"No offence Will but I kind of hate your sister." I start.

"Why?" Will asks. I look over to Cara and she's glaring at me. I return the favour. "Well, when it was visiting day Cara here was extremely rude to my mom so I might of threatened her." I say with a bit of laughter in voice at the last part. I hear a couple of chuckles and I turn to Caleb.

"I can't believe you don't like my girlfriend." He says quietly.

"So? You wouldn't like the person I'm dating, or should I say, the person I'm engaged to." I retort with a smirk.

"You engaged!? To who!?" Caleb says with and in his voice.

"The shirtless guy sitting next to me." I say pointing to Tobias with my thumb. Caleb is bursting with anger.

"Your engaged to him!!! Wait a minute..." He takes a good look at Tobias, oh no, what if he recognizes him. I give Tobias a worried look.

"I remember you..." Caleb starts. No no no!

"Caleb, I think you should go." He doesn't listen.

"Your Marcus Eatons son, Tobias."

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