Chapter 4: The Walker Family

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Vanessa POV:

After lunch I head to my next class, Math. Daniel didn't have Math, but he still showed me where the class was. I walked in and had a look around the class. The girls were looking at me weirdly, but I just ignored them and walked towards the teachers table. my heart raced as I walked toward her table.

"can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm Vanessa Smith and I'll be joining your class" I said to old looking lady who sat behind a desk.

"Miss Smith welcome, I'm Mrs Griffin" she said with a smile on her face.

"please take a sit" she responded while pointing towards the desks.

I smile back and turned around. Looking around I saw two empty desks next to the window at the back of the class. Ignoring all the looks I held my head high and walked to the back of the class. I set down and took my phone out. After a few minutes, the door opens and one of the boys I set with at lunch came in.

I forgot his name dammit. He's the mean guy.

He's handsome I'm not going to lie.

"Mr Scott Im glad you decided to join my class" remarked Mrs Griffin.

"Please take a sit and let me start with todays lesson" she said again.

He had a good look around the class and made his way to the only empty desk which was next to where I was sitting. He set down and said nothing to me and neither did I.

It was finally the end of the day and I was making my way towards my motorcycle when I suddenly heard someone shout my name. I turn around and saw Daniel walking towards me.

"V can I get a ride home? my mom is using my car" Daniel asked

"sure" I replied

We got on my motorcycle and Daniel told me the directions and I came to realise that he literally lived 3 houses from mine.

"here we are" he said while getting off.

"thanks V!" he said with a smile on his face.

"no problem Danny" I replied

"Do you want to come in and say hi? I think my mom would be happy to see you again" Daniel suggested.

"Okay fine" I agreed getting off my motorcycle.

We walked towards the huge white house and Daniel opened the door and walked in

"Mom Im home!" Daniel shouts putting his bag down.

"In the Kitchen!" is all we heard.

We walked towards the kitchen and the smell of Mrs Walkers famous Lasagna enters my nostrils. Damn I miss her cooking.

"Mom, guess who came to see you" I heard Daniel say.

I walked into the kitchen and there she was Mrs Walker; she was like a mother to me ever since my mom passed away, she would always check up on me and when she would go back home, she would always visit

"Vanessa!" she says cheerfully.

"Mrs Walkers" I said while hugging her. She pulled away and had a good look at me.

"V what have I told you about calling me Mrs Walker, its Elizabeth" she said

All I could do was smile.

It was now around 7:30pm and I was still at Daniels house. Elizabeth had asked me to stay for Dinner and of course I couldnt say no to her lasagna.

"I should go Aunt Lucy might be worried" I said while getting up

"oh dear you should come around more often we have a lot to catch up with" Elizabeth reminded me.

"I sure will" I said with a smile on my face.

When I got home, I got in the shower and off to bed I went.

I was exhausted.

"on your marks,"

"get set,"


I heard the gun go off and all the athletes started running

another trigger was pulled but this time it wasn't the pistol used at the begging, I know because the sound was different. I look around and run toward the place she was sitting, when I got there I saw her laying on the ground covered in blood


Do something Vanessa!

"run! just run and don't look back" I heard her say

"protect her!" she yelled from a distance

I ran, I ran faster than I could ever imagine

"Where are you going? Vanessa you can run but you can't hide!" he yelled

"Vanessa!" he yelled

"Vanessa" he said again

I felt my legs and arms getting heavy and I started to slow down. NO I NEED TO KEEP RUNNING, I NEED TO GET TO EMILY

"come on Vanessa, RUN!" I heard her say again

"I'm trying" I yelled back

I need you, please!

please don't leave, don't leave I need you!

"Emily! Emily! Emily. NO! Bring her back!"

"Vanessa wake up!" I heard someone say

I opened my eyes and saw my aunt sitting on my bed and Emily standing besides me

"It was all a dream Nessa" I heard Emily explain "I'm here, they didn't take me Nessa"

I took a deep breath

"it was all a dream" I said

"Yes, it was all a dream Vanessa" my aunt said

It was all a dream

A dream that might come true one day. A dream I've being trying to avoid but it follows me everywhere I go. A dream I've been having almost everyday for the past year

It seems like everyone leaves or died around me and it's all my fault.

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