Chapter 32: Where is she?

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Tyler POV:

"oh my head is killing me" I said opening my eye lids.

Wait, what the hell. When did I get here? I wondered. I jump up from my bed and rushed downstairs. I ran into the kitchen looking for Vanessa, but there is no sign of her anywhere. I grab my phone and called Vanessa but it kept going straight to voice message. I tried over and over but there was no reply, so I called Daniel

"IS SHE WITH YOU?" I yelled at him over the phone.

"No I thought she was with you!" he explained

"Be ready in 5. I'm coming to get you" I explained turning off the phone before he could argue with me. I grab my car keys and drove to Daniels house where he was waiting for me outside. I stopped the car and he hoped inside.

"Dude where the hell is Vanessa?" he asked

"If I really knew do you think I was going to ask you?" I said annoyed

"You said you were going to protect her!" Daniel Yelled at me

"Danny I know I failed and I know I promised to protect her but if we are going to stay here and yell at each other that wont do anything."

"What's the plan than"? he asked annoyed

"Drive to the Scorpions house and find Luca." I said

The drive to the scorpions save house was long as it was located about 2 hours from where we were. Throughout the whole Drive I couldn't stop thinking of what could be happening to Vanessa at this exact moment. When we finally arrived Daniel and I both ran to the house and knocked at the door nonstop.

The same security guard opened the door for us.

"Where is Luca?" I asked

"Who are you?" the security asked

"I was here with Vanessa Smith last time, but this is important. I need to speak with Luca ASAP!" I said

"Let him in" I heard someone from behind say. The security guard moved aside letting both Daniel and I in.

"What do you want?" I heard Luca ask from the bar

"It's Vanessa. I went to Alex's house with her and I woke up at my house and she wasn't there and I can't remember anything that happened."

"Have you called her?" he asked

"Straight to voice mail" I replied

"Maybe she is avoiding you" he replied

"Dude, she might be in danger there is no time for jokes. We need to find her before it's too late" I yelled at him

"Calm down Prince Charming we will find your Princess and bring her back to you" he explained "and plus she can protect herself"

I really hope she is okay

"When she was little her father gave her a butterfly neckless which had a tracked on. Her father knew it was dangerous for her so he tracked her everywhere she went and also taught her how to fight. Trust me she can break Alex's nose with a punch." He said laughing "lets go to my office and track her down, well if she still has the neckless"

"She had the neckless when we went to Alex. Hopefully he didn't take it off and threw it somewhere else" I explained

We made our way to Lucas office and tracked Vanessa down. Her location gave to an abandoned hospital outside town. It would be an hour drive till the hospital where I hoped Vanessa was.

"Listen up. Stiamo andando in guerra. ottenere gruppo a e b. assicurarsi che abbiano pistole e giubbotti antiproiettile" Luca said to his radio. He got up and gestured us to follow. We made our way to the basement where there was thousands of guns, knives and other things I didnt know what they were.

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