Chapter 15: V.S

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Vanessa POV:

"Thank you for coming with me tonight Danny" I nodded. I never wanted to get anyone involved in this, but I know I wouldn't get anything done without help.

"No problem V, let me know if you find anything" he answered. Daniel has always been there for me, I hope I can be able to thank him for everything.

"I will" I replied getting out of his car

I walked toward the front door, I got my keys out and unlocked the door. I got my shoes off and made my way upstairs to my room hoping my Aunt doesn't come out of her office, if she sees this box I will get into big trouble.

She knows about the Mafia's, I mean we had to tell her after my mom past away and as she took my fathers case she had the rights to know. Whereas Emily doesn't know about it yet, we are trying not to get her involved with all of this, we want her to enjoy her life without being worried, but it has become difficult to keep it from her, I mean she was attacked by The Venom and she started to ask question about why they came and what they wanted and of course we had to lie to her to keep her safe from this mess.

I need to see what's in this box, hopefully something good and useful. I sit on the bed and take a deep breath. I opened the box and there was a lot of papers and files. I guess I better get started I have a long night a head of me

Most of the papers were under the name of Vladimir Smirnov . There were cheques, receipts and pay slipes from Vladimir Smirnov to Adam Smith, my father.

What was my father up to?

I found paperwork about trading and payments but non involving illegal things, what my father had told me he got into some unfinished business with Vladimir, but he never mentioned what exactly. Maybe drugs or worse murder. No, Vanessa you know your father he is no murderer.

Non of the checks clarified the reason of the payment which isn't good, I need prove it wasn't him

But maybe he was asked to get rid of a body and he refused?

Vanessa stop, he is not a murderer.

I took a deep breath and continues to look for clues, but there was nothing important or useful. All I could see were words and more words and more words. then everything was a blur

Beep beep beep

I heard my alarm going off. Shut up I groan rolling over to turn it off, I close my eyes again and take a deep breath.

Shit it's already morning

"Vanessa, you're going to be late for school!" I heard my Aunt yell from the kitchen


I get up and rushed to the bathroom, trying not to step on the stack of paper lying on the floor. I picked the papers up from the floor and put them back into the box they came in.

I need to hide this box

But where?

I was running out of time, so I put the box in my cupboard.

I through on black leggings and a black hoodie as always, put why white adidas on and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning" I said

"Good morning" replied Aunt Lucy and Em

"Vanessa aren't you eating breakfast?" I heard Em ask

"No, I'm late for school, I'll be home late tonight dont wait up for me." I answered shutting the door behind me

I got on my motorcycle, turned on the engine and put my helmet on

Safety first of course

And off I went

Hopefully, I'm not too late

After what seemed an eternity, I finally made it. I got in and made my way to the room. I set on the chair and in front of me was a phone, I picked up the phone and waited for him to join

"Hello my dear Vanessa!" he said with his Italian accent

"Hello father" I replied

Author's note:

I'm sorry I took long with this chapter and I know its really short but I promise the others will be longer

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