Chapter 18: Dinner

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Tyler POV:

Vanessa and I have been working in math for around 2 hours now and to be honest I'm exhausted.

"We'll continue tomorrow V" I announced

"Okay, cool" she agreed closing her book

"Tyler!!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs

"Dinner is ready!" she yelled

FOOODD my favourite thing ever

"I better get going than" she answered

"Yeah, yeah sure, I'll walk you out" I replied

"Thank you for helping me, for once I actually understand Math" she said with a smile on her face

Damn, she has a beautiful smile

Tyler stop I thought to myself

"My pleasure V" I said while getting up.

She followed behind me, we walked down the stairs and made our way to the front door.

"Where are you two going?" asked my mother from behind us scaring Vanessa a little

"I'm on my way home, Tyler is just walking me out" she answered

"Oh no, please join us for dinner. I made Pasta" begged my mother

Having Vanessa for Dinner would be nice if he wasn't here

"My mother makes the best Pasta in the world. If I were you, I would stay" I added

what the fuck Tyler.

A side of me wants her to leave so she doesn't meet him and the other side

well it wants her to stay

"Okay, let me just call my Aunt and let her know that I'm staying for dinner" she replied

"cool" I added walking toward the kitchen were a lovely smell came from

"I like her Tyler" my mother whispered and turned back to cooking

"Really mom?"

my mom nodded and turned back to the stove

Vanessa appeared behind me and joined my mom and I at the kitchen

"Tyler get your dad for me please" my mom asked

"He's not my dad anymore" I whispered hoping she didnt hear me

I left Vanessa and my mother at the kitchen and made my way to his office. I knocked at the door and let him know that dinner is ready and that we have a guest, which in this case was V. I walked to the dinner table where I found Vanessa and my mom talking. I set down at my usual spot and Vanessa was sitting next to me.

We dished for ourselves and started eating when he walked in

"Sorry for being late, I had some work to do. Hello, I'm Tyler's father and you are?" he asked looking at Vanessa while sitting down at his usual place

"Vanessa Smith, nice to meet you Mr Scott" she said kindly, we started to eat in silence and I just hoped this dinner would be over. I know I was excited at first, but now I just want it to be over.

"So, Vanessa, Tyler said you are new, enjoying your new school?" asked my mother

Ohh no, here we go with the questions.

"Yeah, it's better than my old school, and I finally got to see my childhood best friend again, Daniel" she replied

"Daniel is a good kid" He added

"So, you do any sports?" asked my mom

"Yes, track and field" she replied

"Oh, that's wonderful!" answered my mom, she was always into track and field, it's her favourite sport

"So, are you planning on going to college?" He asked

"Yes I am" she replied

"What do you want to study? have anything in mind already?" my mom wondered and so did I

I never actually asked Vanessa anything about her

"Yeah, I want to study Criminology. It's always been my passion, I got more interested in it after- after things happened back home" she replied

"You're parents should be really proud of you" my dad said

"Yeah I guess they are" she replied not sure what else to say

"You should invite you parents for dinner sometime" my mom added

Ohh no, why did she ask that. I looked at Vanessa and she looked as if she was about to cry. I should have warned my mom about this

"ah- my parents won't be able to come" she replied

"Why not?" he asked

I gave him a dead stare and looked at my mom to make him stop. She gave me a confused look.

"ah because my mom died last year and my father, well my father isnt here" she replied. I saw I tear rushing down her face. Ohh shit this was a bad idea. I looked at my parents and their faces were pale, as if they saw a ghost

"I'm sorry Vanessa, I shouldn't have asked" my mom apologised

"It's okay, no need to apologise" she said, trying to smile

The rest of the dinner went on quietly, my parents stopped asking Vanessa questions. After dinner Vanessa helped my mom in the kitchen, even though my mother said she didnt need help, Vanessa still insisted. After V helped my mom, she said goodbye to them and I walked her outside, we were now standing beside her motorcycle.

"Thank you, Tyler, for helping me and for inviting me for Dinner" she said getting on her motorcycle.

"It's my pleasure V, and I'm sorry about my parents. they can be a bit too much sometimes." I replied honestly

"No need to apologise, they didn't know" she answered putting her helmet on

"See you tomorrow Tyler" she said and drove away before I could say anything else.

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