Chapter 37: The Funeral

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Vanessa POV:

It's Friday afternoon and the boys and I are getting ready to attend Alex's funeral. Since the devastating news we got on Monday non of us has been to school. Although I hated Alex with all my heart, at some point he was actually a good friend. It could have all been an act or maybe not. Maybe he never cared or maybe he did. I guess we will truly never know. Cole and Tyler were asked to say a few words about Alex, at first Tyler wanted to refuse, which I dont blame him, but Tessa asked him to do it.

"All ready?" Cole asked with a sad tone

Cole and Alex were close, they were like brothers. They grew up together, went to the same school, were in the same class since kindergarten, lived next door and played the same sports.

"Aleksandr Smirnov, my favourite Russian guy" Cole said laughing a bit "he was and always will be a brother I never had, he was funny, energetic, caring, loving and an amazing person. He has made mistakes in his past but that never stopped him from focusing in his dreams and his future." Cole said taking a deep breath

"he was always there for me, he truly was a brother to me. I remember when we were 12, we went camping with our class and I wasn't the favourite child in my class, so bullies used to pay me visits often. That day, I went to look for a good place so I could you know do my business. The bullies followed me and started beating me up. Somehow Alex knew where I was and what to do. He protected me. It was 1 against 4, because you know I was a little bitch and decided to hide behind a tree" I heard everyone laugh a bit "at the end of the day Alex walked out of there a winner with a broken nose, when his father asked what happened he simply said, dad I beat the shit out of 4 boys in my class who tried to bully my friend. Alex was always there for me and for that I'm grateful. May you rest in Piece my friend." He finished.

After Cole spoke a few other people who I didnt know spoke as well. To be honest I was nervous for Tyler, I didnt know what he was going to say.

"Tyler would you want to say something?" spoke an elderly lady. Tyler stood up and walked to the front.

"Alex wasn't always the kindest and most respectful person, we sure had our issues in the past. We got into fights, many of them, some worse than others. But in the end of the day he was a good friend, a brother, an amazing football player and a good student too. although Alex and I had our issues I never wanted things to end this way, he had a bright future ahead of him. But I guess God has his reasons. May you rest in piece Alex. You will be missed." He finished.

I know that no matter how much you hated the person you will miss them even just a little. And dont get me wrong I hated Alex after what he did to me and I hate his father more for what he did to my mother, but I don't blame him. His father was just a horrible person who never showed Alex what real love was. But Alex and I had something in common, something no one can ever take away, we shared blood. My mothers blood, the women who raised me and she taught me to forgive no matter how difficult it is. You don't have to forgive them now, but eventually. And honestly, I know its difficult but, we put so much energy and time hating on people while we can forgive and move on, you don't have to forget what they did but just move on. Don't let them and the hate you have towards them make your life stop.

After the funeral Cole, Daniel, Tyler, Michael, Mason and I went to our favourite fast-food restaurant. Tyler and I still haven't told the boys about us and honestly, I don't think it has been the best time to say that, but I have to tell them soon.

"May I take your orders?" a lovely young lady asked

"Yeah, I'll have a cheese burger with large fries and a large chocolate milkshake please." I asked

"I'll have a large hamburger with... "Daniel was thinking "Vanessa should I order counting you in?" he asked.

"no, its okay I'll just take some from Tyler" I replied

"Tyler I see" Daniel said "with large fries please"

"Your food will be ready shortly" the women said than walked away

"Tyler huh?" Daniel asked

"yeah, what's wrong with that?"I wondered

"one, I'm the one who shares food with you and you never ever shared food with him. Two, you two have been acting really strange lately. Spill the beanssss!" he said

"Strange? How?" I asked

"Oh, come one Vanessa even we noticed it" Mason added

I looked over at Tyler and he has a huge smile on his face. he is so cute

"Why are you smiling Tyler?" I asked

"should I tell them or will you?" he asked

"TELL US WHAT?" all the boys spoke at ones

"I dont think it's the right time to be saying this, especially after Alex's Funeral" I confessed

"Come on girl, we dont mind. Spill the mother... tea" Daniel said and the boys agreed

"fine, Tyler and I are dating" I said looking down

"YESSS!!" The boys literally jumped from the table "since when?"

"Sunday" I confirmed

"Finally, Tyssa is real!" Michael cheered

"Tyssa?" Tyler and I both asked confused

"Yeah, Tyler and Vanessa. It's your couple name. now real talk here Tyler you hurt Nessa and I will torture you to death, chop your body into pieces and burry you 6 feet underground. cover the whole half way and throw a dead animal in there with you to keep your soul company" Daniel said

"I will help him dig that damn whole Tyler" Cole added

"I have the perfect location" Mason added and Michael agreed with him.

"Calm down guys, I'm not going to hurt her, I worked hard to get her to be mine, I'm not letting her go" Tyler confessed.

Aww so cute. I lean over and kiss him softly

"Ew, okay you two are cute and all but, get a room, would you? We dont want to see this saliva exchange." Mason said.

Author's Note:

How cute?

I know it was sad Chapter with Alex's funeral...

but the boys finally know..

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