Chapter 13: Truth or Dare

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Daniels POV:

Coming out to V felt good, I didn't have to hide it anymore. My mom actually came around as Vanessa said she would and apologised for over reacting and she supports my decision, she said she was just a bit upset as she knew she wasn't getting any grandchildren from me, I guess she need to wait for Noah.

The boys don't know yet but I'm planning on coming out to them too, maybe this Saturday when we get together for a movie night.

Saturday arrived sooner than I thought. I was now sitting in my car waiting for V so we make our way to Alex's house. Finally, V was coming out of her house. She was wearing black as usual, I dont think I've ever seen her wear another colour besides dark blue, black and white

We made our way to Alex's house which was on the other side of town. It took us really long due to traffic, but we arrived on time.

We were now all sitting in a circle eating and drinking.

"lets play Truth or dare" I heard Michael suggest

"lets do it" I answered. I need to distract my mind a bit. I'm too nervous

The game went on for a while and most of the dares were to take shots of the most random things ever such as vinegar, and Tyler was dared to drink a raw egg. I'm happy that wasnt me to be honest

"V true or dare?" I heard Mason ask

"I'll choose dare this time" she responded

"Good, I dare you to kiss one of the boys" he announced

Nessa's face went red, I could tell she was nervous, but I know for a fact Vanessa was still going to do it

as she likes to say, her mom raised no pussy

"Okay" she answered getting up and having a good look around the room

"I dont want to choose, can you choose for me?" she asked

"Okay I dare you to kiss Tyler!" Mason said

Vanessa froze when she heard Tylers name

She got up and walked toward where Tyler was sitting, and they kissed. It was a quick kiss. After the kiss we stopped playing and watched movies.

I know the Mason just wanted them to kiss

"Guys I have a question for all of you" I heard V say

"What's up?" I heard Cole say

"If you found out that one of your friends is gay, what would you do?" she asked.

Dammit, what is she doing?

There was a moment of silence

"Honestly, I would support him, I mean there is nothing wrong with being gay and who ever your friend is you should be proud they came out to you, it can be scary!" I heard Cole say

"Yeah, same here. There is nothing to be afraid of" I heard Michael say

"I agree" said Mason

"Yeah same" said both Tyler and Alex

It felt good hearing them say that they would support them. It made me feel so much better

"Why do you ask?" asked Alex

"One of my friends back home came out as gay and I didnt know what to say so I asked you instead" I heard V say

" Wait, you actually have friends?" Tyler joked

"Yes Mr Scott, I do have friends, more enemies than friends but I still have a few friends" she replied

they laughed at Vanessa's comment

Its time, I have to tell them.

"Listen, I have something to tell all of you" I announced.

I saw V smiling at me and mouthing "you got this!"

I took a deep breath and said "I'm Gay" I finally said

There was a awkward silence for a while

Then all the boys got up and hugged me

"We knew it bro" I heard Alex say

"We were just waiting for you to come out" said Cole

"Yeah, we didnt want to force you to tell us if you werent ready" said Tyler

"How did you guys know? Am I that obvious?" I asked

"Nah man, we just put one and one together, but we never wanted to ask, we wanted you to tell us" I heard Tyler say

"And plus, since you moved here you never dated or even kissed a girl. And whenever I tried to get you a girl you would always say not my type without even meeting her" said Alex.

"I see" I said

I feel so much better now that they know

"So, I heard Shawn is into guys too. we are going to hook you two together" Mason said

"Oh, no I'm good thanks" I replied

"Dude come on, Shawn is honestly handsome" Vanessa said " and as Mason said he is into guys so..." she winked at me

I looked over at Tyler and he wasn't happy about Vanessa comment

that's cute

I ship them, but don't tell Vanessa she would kill me

"but he's is also into girls" Michael said smirking at me "who ever strikes first gets the price"

Tyler is going to murder the twins if they don't shut up

"No thanks" Vanessa replied

"Why not? you said he is handsome" Alex said

"Just because I say someone is handsome it doesn't mean I'll date them. and plus I have a lot going on, I don't have time to date" Vanessa explained

"We need to find this 2 someone" Cole said pointing at Daniel and I

"Says the single friend" I said

everyone laughed

"Who said I'm going to be single for long?" Mason said with a smirk on his face

say what now

"Who's the lucky girl?" Tyler asked

"Her name is Teagan" he said

"Teagan from Physics?" I asked

"Yeah" he replied


"Did you ask her on a date?" Alex asked

"Not yet" he said

"you two honestly do make a cute couple, I'm always the third wheel in physics" I replied

Author's note:

I hope you enjoyed this Chapter, get ready for the next chapter

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