Chapter 44: The Plan

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Vanessa POV:

"I mean your Aunt has a point, she is just trying to protect you" Daniel explained

"But I'm only trying to protect her. she needs to trust me for once" I argued back

"Last time she trusted you, your own long lost brother kidnaped you and tortured you half to death" Tyler explain

"Oh shut up, you know what I meant" I fought back

"Alright, no need to be rude. When are we meeting him?" Daniel asked

"Straight after school. No practice today!" I explained "Come up with an excuse both of you"

"Yes ma'am" Tyler said

"See you two later" I said walking away to my next class

Throughout the day I couldn't stop thinking about all of this crazy plan we have going on, today could be the day I either walk out a hero or it could be the day my sister looses the only family she has left. But this is the only way we can all live free from Vladimir and its the only way my father can walk out of there alive and not have to worry about watching his back

I have to do this. For us, For my family... as soon as the school bell rang I made my way to the parking lot where the boys and I were meeting, when I arrived there they were both already waiting for me

"You ready" Asked Tyler

"Yeah" I replied. we all got in the car and Tyler drove off to the usual safe house, after 2 hours on the road we finally arrived. Luca was going to fill us in with the plan and we are ready to go. we knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door

"Just on time Miss Smith" Luca's bodyguard said moving aside making space for us to walk in

the second we walked in there were around 20 people in there with guns, and knifes and other things I cant even name

"Alright, everyone is here. Lets get started" Luca announced

"So, we have information that Vladimir will be meeting one of his business partners at a Café at exactly 4:30pm, that's where team A comes in, I need you two to keep an eye on him and let us know the second he leaves" He explained to two tall man standing across him

"We could easily have someone shot him from a building, but we aren't doing that in a public place. I had Alex call him and ask him to meet at a old abandoned warehouse and that's where there rest comes in. we need as much back up as we can. we don't know how many he is bringing so we need to be fast and smart. we will have a team surround the warehouse so no one leaves or comes in. the second they enter that area the signals will be cut off so all their radios and cellphones wont work. each and everyone one of you will find a place to hide and let Alex and his father talk, when we receive the signal then we go ahead. we take out everyone he takes with. we cant let anyone out. If we do we will be getting ourselves into a war with the Venom, only if they figure out its us. this is why we will have to be very careful" Luca finally explained

"Understood?" Luca reassured

"Si" Everyone replied

People started to grab their guns and other weapons and got ready for the mission.

"Vanessa, Tyler, Daniel a word please!" Announced Luca making his way to his office

once we entered the office, he gestured us to close the door and we did so

"Just to make this clear, You will not under any circumstances leave the group! did I make myself clear Vanessa!" He reassured

"Why only me?" I asked

"Because I know how much you hate him and if he somehow get away I feel like you will chase him down the street and get yourself killed. As I said you will not leave the group. I want everyone back here by the end of the night. Especially you. Emily needs you, the others here can take care of themselves so I expect all of you to stay with them. Is that clear?" he repeated

"Yes" the three of us replied at the same time

"Good, you may join the team again" he finished

the boys and I left his office and joined the team once again. we waited for Luca to come and give us the permission to proceed with the plane. we were divided into 5 groups. A group of people that were going to the café to keep an eye on Vladimir, an IT group to cut down the signals around the warehouse, a group that will surround the warehouse making sure no one else leaves or enters, the group that was actually going in the warehouse which included Luca and I and the back up group which included Daniel and Tyler. Hopefully we wont need to call in the backup group, I don't want the boys getting anywhere near that Devil. He might and can hurt them and it's already painful enough having them here, knowing I'm putting them in danger.

I really hope this goes as plan and that everyone makes it back and save. I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone because I agreed to do this and because I begged Luca for help

Here we go...

Author's note:

They agreed, what do you think will happen? Will they all make it back?

keep reading to find out what happened next...

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