Chapter 47: freedom

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Vanessa's POV:

It's been a few weeks since the conflict between the Venom and the Scorpions. I haven't seen or heard from Luca since that night, he hasnt texted or call and neither have I. the nightmare arent as bad as they used to be a few weeks ago, I have them every now and then but im doing much better. well there are some good news too, Tyler and I are still together, we found out that Liam is into Daniel so they have been hanging out for a while now, Cole finally asked Tessa out and that leaves the twins... single as far as we know.

"Vanessa, it's time to go, we dont want to be late!" Yelled aunt Lucy from down the stairs

"I'm coming!" I yelled back running downstairs

well, I forgot to mention that today is the day we pick up my father from prison... he is finally free. Aunt Lucy won the case last week and we were told to wait for a specific date that my father was finally free to go, which in this case its today. Emily and I are so excited to see him again after so long.

"The boys are outside" Emily announced from the window where she was sitting and staring at since this morning waiting for Tyler and Daniel to show up. And yes we are taking them with, Daniel basically grow up around  my father, he was like a son and brother we never had and well Tyler... I want to introduce him ofcourse. Hopefully they will get along

"Lets go!" Aunt Lucy said. we grabbed all our stuff and made our way toward the car where the boys waited. we get in the car and started the road trip.

"We're here!" Daniel said excited

Emily and Daniel hoped out of the car and ran toward the door where my father would be coming out soon. my Aunt followed slowly and Tyler and I shortly after

"How are you feeling?" i asked him

"Nervous to be honest" he confessed

"There is nothing to be nervous about, he will like you" I reasured him

"Yeah, I hope so too" he said " what if he decides to move back? then you will probably have to move with him... and leave me!" 

"We aren't moving back Tyler, he promised we would stay here and even if he decides to move back. Emily and i arent, especially not Em, i dont want her to get involved in any of this" I explained the suddently the door open and there he was, with his head held high as always and a sincere smile on his face. Emily, Daniel and i ran toward him and hugged him tightly 

"Hello guys. oh it feels so good to finally be able to hug you" he said giving each of us a kiss on the forehead

"Even you Walker" he said to Daniel. 

"Lucy!" my dad said hugging my aunt tightly "Thank you so much for what you've done for me and my kids"

"You must be Tyler! I heard good things about you" my dad said. Tyler reached out his hand and I hoped my dad was going to be nice and actually shake it

"Oh no, we past this son... you saved her you dont deserve a handshake, you deserve and hug" my dad said hugging Tyler

aww thats so cute. I told my father about everything that had happen, and i made sure to tell him that Tyler and Daniel are now aware of the mafias. good thing I kept him updated. he wasnt really happy that I joined Luca to take out Vladimir but what can we do now, I cant go back. whats done is done and there is nothing I can do to change that.

" Lets go home shall we" aunt Lucy announced. we all make our ways to the car and drove to Aunt Lucy's house for dinner. Once we arrived Emily and I helped her get dinner all ready while they boys catched up and got to know eachother better. so far Tyler and my father seem to be getting along, and Tyler seems more relaxed now then before.

"Dinner is ready!" I yelled from the kitchen. shortly all three boys appeared. We all set down around the table and dished for ourselves .

"So, Tyler... what are you planning on studying later in life?" my father asked

here we go with the questions

"I was planning on going into business and hopefully one day take over my parents business." he answered.

"That good... so what are your plans with my daughter?" my dad asked solemn

"dad!" I said looking at him hoping he would stop with those questions

"What? I need to know" he replied looking over at me

"Well, sir I really like Vanessa, she is special, shes kind, funny, smart, beautiful. She honesty every men's dream girl. I am lucky to even be able to call her my girlfriend, but I hope to call her my wife one day and hopefully the mother of our children and the person I will grow old with." Tyler said. That was the cutest thing he has ever said and I hope it does come true one day

"well, son I can clearly see you really like my daughter and its clear she likes you just as much. So I trully hope your dreams do come true." my father said with a  sincere smile on his face

"Thank you!" Tyler said smiling back at him

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