Chapter 23: Tessa Scott

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Tyler POV:

"Okay hold up. Let me get this straight. Your father is part of a Mafia and he was accused of murder of his own wife? because he didn't do what the Venom told him to?" I asked. I'm so confused at this point, Mafia, Murder, Dangerous.

Who the hell is this girl?

"Yeah, that's basically it" she said, looking away from me

"Wow" Is all I could say. This is just all so confusing

"Please don't tell anyone about this Tyler. I told you because I trust you. and if anyone finds out I told you, you can be in trouble too" she said

"I promise I won't" I confirmed.

To be honest it's good to open up to someone who actually cares like Vanessa and its good to know she trust me

"It's freezing out here" I heard Vanessa say, shivering

"Here, take my jacket" I said taking off my jacket and handing it to her.

"No Tyler, then you're going to get cold" she denied giving me back the jacket

"Vanessa just take the jacket, I'm not cold" I laughed giving her my jacket back

"Thank you Tyler" she said with a beautiful sincere smile on her face

"How well do you know Alex?" she suddenly asked

"Oh well Alex and I aren't the bestest friends, we had our not so nice past" I said honestly

Alex and I see each other more as enemies then friends, we fight a lot and have our disagreements. But we try to act as friends because I mean we are in the same football team and in the same friend group

"What do you mean?" she asked

"Well, Alex and Tessa had a thing, I knew the type of guy Alex is so of course I didn't want my sister being with him. I tried talking to Tessa, but she wouldn't listen. she ignored me for weeks, and by that time I was so mad that I started ignoring her too. We would walk past each other as if we were strangers" I continued

"Tessa went to Alex's house for a party, and she saw Alex kissing another girl, she got upset and tried to leave the party. This other guy from another school tried to get her, but she punched him just as I taught her" a laugh escaped my lips as I imagined my sister punching someone

"She punched the guy?" Vanessa asked in disbelieve

"Yeah, she did, that's when she tried calling me to get her, but I was being stubborn that I didn't pick up. That's when she called my father and the accident happened" I said, looking down as memories of that horrible day come to mind.

"I don't know what to say, but at least you were able to teach her how to break someones nose" she laughed.

"Yeah, I sure did but why did you ask about Alex?" I asked curiously

"Remember when I told you about the Venom? well I think Alex is part of them" Vanessa finally spoke.

he's a what now?

"Are you sure?" I asked in disbelieve.

"Yeah, the Viper tattoo he has, is exactly the same as all the Venom members have, they call themselves Vipers. It's like a tradition, once you get into the Mafia you have to get it. The same with the Scorpions" she explained.

"Wow, do you have a Scorpion Tattoo?" I found myself asking.


"NOO, I'm not part of a Mafia" she answered looking a bit terrified.

"Oh" I laughed

"Why are you laughing Tyler?" she asked looking confused.

"You should have seen you face when I asked" I said out of breath.

"Oh, very funny Mr Scott" she laughed along.

"Shall we make our way back inside, Miss Smith?" I asked getting up and giving her my hand

"We shall do so Mr Scott" she joked taking my hand and getting up.

"Ready to jump?" I asked. And before she could debate with me, I jumped off the wall and landed on my two feet.

"Tyler!! oh my goodness, are you out of you mind?" she yelled at me from up there

"Come on Vanessa, don't be a party pooper. I'll catch you" I nodded trying to convince her to jump

"If you don't catch me, I'll give you a head start to run as fast and as far from me as you still can. Because when I catch you-" she was saying, and I cut her off

"IF you catch me" I joked

"Oh, come on, I'm a track and field athlete AND I have some friend at the Mafia that can track you down within minutes. You sure want to play this game with me Tyler Scott" she said with an evil look on her face

She looks so adorable right now

"Fair point, but I'm sure I can outrun you any day at anytime" I said playfully

"Challenge excepted. When I win-" she was about to say but I interrupted her once again

"Why don't you come down here and well talk about what will happen when I win. My neck hurts from looking up" I explained

"okay you better catch me Scott" she warned me

"I will, dont worry I promised" and just like that Vanessa jumped from the wall and luckily, I was able to catch her. She had her arms around my neck and mine were around her waist. We stood in that same position for a while, just looking into each other eyes.

Her eyes are gorgeous, they glimmer like the starts. her smile is as wide as the universe. her curly hair just falls perfectly and her perfect pink lips-

Damnit what is she doing to me?

"Great catch Scott" she said, and then walked away from me toward the door.

Author's note:

Aww Tyler and Vanessa had their first moment. and has Tyler just confessed that he might have feelings for Vanessa? what do you think? Do you ship them as much as Daniel does?

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