Chapter 10: Speechless

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Tyler's POV:

Beep beep beep

I groan and rolled over, I looked at the time


lets get this day starting

I get up and get ready to head to the gym. after a long and difficult hours at the gym I finally got home

I hoped in the shower and get ready for school, I wouldn't miss today for anything. Vanessa was trying out for the team and I was excited, I wanted to see if she is as good as Daniel said she is, and plus it would be really rude of me if I don't show up after dragging her there and convincing her to try out.

"Bye mom!" I said to her giving her a kiss on the cheek and grabbing my keys

"We need to visit your sister today, so after practice if you can go start to the hospital and I will be there" my mom explained

"I'll be there mom" I said leaving the house

Of course I'll be there, I always will

I hoped in my car and drive away, I had the first three periods with Vanessa, Cole and Daniel and let me say that Vanessa seemed really nervous, as if she was about to run Nationals or something even bigger

"Calm down, you'll do well" I said to her trying to calm her a little bit

She took a deep breath, smiled at me and turned back to the front where Mrs Griffin was explaining some math thing I wasn't paying attention to.

She has a beautiful smile if you ask me

It's a honest smile

After Math we had a break so we headed to the Cafeteria where the boys were waiting for us. Vanessa and the boys has an argument about us going to watch her, but did she forget that we share a field? she seemed so disappointed when we told her we weren't going to miss it

almost scared actually

I mean I understand it's scary trying out after stopping for a while and especially when your friends are going to watch but she seemed a bit more scared, her brown eyes held worry


"Danny what if I freeze again?" I heard her whisper to Daniel really softly, as if she didn't want us to hear her

"You'll do well Nessa, don't worry about it" Daniel said

It was the end of the day and I had football practice. And V had her try outs. I was really excited to see her run but also worried. I met up with the boys as usual and we all made our way to the field. Coach wasn't there today so our captain, Daniel was taking over. The track and field team were already warming up when we got there but there was no sign of V.

After a while I finally saw V making her way to the coach. The coach and her had a short conversation before V started to warm up

"Earth to Tyler!!" I heard Alex shout

"I'm coming" I replied while jogging toward the boys

"We need to get ready for our first game of the year, we cant afford to lose okay?" ordered the Captain

"LETS GO!" the boys and I yelled at once before starting with our usual warm up

After warming up the boys and I decided to take a quick break to watch V run her 100m. Daniel was literally jumping around, he was making me nervous

"Will you stop jumping? you're making me nervous!" I asked Daniel

"Why are you nervous?" he wondered

"I don't know, just stop please" I begged

Why the hell was I nervous? I'm not the one running

Vanessa looked less nervous than Daniel and I did. I remembered the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your body when you walk to the 100m. sometimes is a good feeling but sometimes it honestly feel like you are about to pass out or that your arms and legs will somehow fall out

I saw V making her way to the 100m start with Asher. Asher was some girl I had a thing with last year and let me just say I've seen her run and she is unbeatable; I've never seen her lose a race, but deep down I believe in V.

What the hell Tyler since when are you so nice to someone. I tried to brush those thoughts away

Get it together Tyler

V and Asher were racing against each other. This should be good

The boys and I are standing by the grass all nervous for V. I know that coach she is very strict and very well trained too. I trained with her when I did track and field and she sure knows how to push her athletes to the maximum capacity.

"On your marks, get set, GO!" I heard the coach yell and a sharp whistle followed her command

My heart started to beat fast when I saw V and Asher start running. I stop breathing for a second

V was in front of Asher throughout the whole race. She kept her head down in the first few meters and kept her knees up and her arms moved in harmony. V crossed the finish line leaving Asher 10meters behind.

Wow this is the first time since Freshman year that Asher has ever lost any race, and V hasnt trained in like a year, I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but once you stop training even if its just for a month somehow you get slower and stopping for a whole year is even worse, but just imagine how fast she would be if she never stopped

Olympic material right there


"I told you shes good" Daniel yelled while patting me on the shoulder with a huge smile on his face

"She sure is" I confirmed

Wow, Im honestly speechless

"Boys shows over lets get going" I heard the Captain say and a sharp and loud whistle followed his command

Lets get going then

Author's note:

What do you think about Tyler? why is he being so nice to Vanessa?

the next Chapter will be up soon, I hope you are enjoying so far

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