Chapter 36: End it

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Alex POV:

I've being in this dark room for what seemed ages. My nose is broken my body aches and I still dont know what they want from me

"What are you going to do with me now?" I curiously asked

"You heard what Vanessa said, we will give you back?" one of the guards said

That's the last thing I want, I would rather stay locked up here for the rest of my life instead of going back to my father. I knew he was a horrible man, but I never thought he would kill a women he said he loved so much. If what Vanessa said was true than my father is honestly a horrible man. I still wonder why he forced me to keep an eye on Vanessa, was it because he knew who she was? Or maybe because of her father? Or maybe my mother? I don't know anymore. He is a liar, a cold-blooded murderer, selfish, irresponsible, obsessive and a shitless person. He doesn't deserve to live

"Aleksandr Smirnov!" yelled Luca from the door

I looked up to see him holding some keys

"I'm going unlock those chains, if you do anything stupid he will shot you" he said pointing at the guard behind him

Luca unlocked the chains and grabbed my arms, dragging me out of that dark room. He puts a blindfold on me and next thing I know we are in a car driving away from wherever we were. After a while the car came to a stop, I was dragged out of the car and thrown onto the hard ground, I heard a knock and then the car driving away.

"Aleksandr?" I heard a familiar voice say with a Russian accent.

Thats it. Today is the day

I was dragged once again, yet not being able to see where to. The blindfold was taken off and when I opened my eyes I saw him

The devil himself.

"Aleksandr Smirnov, you are honestly a disappointment, I gave you one f*cking job and you could do it. ONE FUCKING JOB!" he yelled

"And you are a liar!" I yelled in anger

"What? How dare you disrespect your father like that?" he asked looking furious

"Don't act stupid, I know everything" I confessed

"Tell me Aleksandr, what do you know?" he suddenly asked curiously.

"I know that you killed my mother and blamed it on Adam. And I also know that Vanessa is my sister!" I said furiously

"And so what if I lied, I am the boss of the biggest Mafias in the world. I do what has to be done even if it means killing the love ones" he replied

"You are sick, you said you loved her and it turns out you are responsible for her death! Killing the loved one doesn't make you stronger and a better boss it make you a horrible man and a sick minded man too. do you really thinking killing the people who love you the most helps?" I yelled why?

"why what? I did what I had to do" he replied taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Why did you kill her?" I asked once again

"Your mother wasn't the perfect person, she was a liar and a cheater. When I met her she pretended to be this perfect angel but deep done she was a evil"

"and what does that make you? THE DEVIL!" I interrupted.

He took a deep breath and continued "when she found out she got pregnant she left me for Adam, and I couldn't help the fact that she left me. After a while she told me she had a miscarriage which I can clearly see it was bullshit. After a while you appeared on a basket, with a letter saying she never loved me and that I should keep you and never bother her again. After a while I find out she is pregnant again with Adams child. So, I took care of you and hoped that one day you would take over this Mafia, but I can clearly see now that that was a huge mistake" he finished.

"but why kill her?" I asked once again.

"I had to, Adam was working for the Scorpions so I had to take the things he loved the most. Diana, Vanessa, Emily and the Scorpions" he added.

"You are sick! You really are!" I yelled.

"I am what I have to be! You will never understand that! You are and always will be a failure. I worked so hard to make your life a better and easier, but you are an ungrateful brat. You dont deserve this Mafia, or anything in this world. If it wasnt for you, she would have still been alive! I had to kill her to protect you. Everything I ever did was for you, yet you still have the audacity to show up here and disrespect me?" he yelled.

"Burn in hell you son of a bitch!" I yelled in fury and left the room.

Vanessa POV:

"Class listen up, by now we all noticed that we are missing a student, Alex. The school received a phone call from the Police department and unfortunately they announced that Alex has been found dead" the English Teacher announced to the class.

Dead? Alex is dead?

"Where did they find him?" I asked.

"They found his body in a car, which seems to have fallen down a cliff. They ran some blood test, and it seems that he had a high amount of Alcohol in his blood. The police believe he was drunk driving at a high speed and drove of the cliff. I'm so sorry" she explained.

I hated Alex, but I never wanted him dead.

"Class dismissed! Tyler, Daniel, Cole and Vanessa please stay behind" the teacher announced.

"I'm really sorry for your loss, I'm aware Alex was a close friend of yours and if you need a few days off, you are more than welcome to. Take as much time as you need. I understand it can be difficult to love such a close friend" he explained.

"Thank you" we whispered.

Author's Note:

what do you think really happened to Alex? if he really dead? was it an accident or another of his fathers idea?

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