Chapter 46: Nightmares

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Vanessa POV:

"Burgers?" asked Daniel from the backseat.

"You two can go, I'm not really hungry. Just drop me off at home" I replied

Today was exhausting and again I lost a family member. Although he literally tried to kill me, I forgave him. And he honestly did not deserve this, he just wanted to do what he thought was the right things to do. Once I arrived home, I made my way straight to bed, but I couldn't sleep, I didn't want to. I tried really hard to keep my eyes open, but they were heavy, they started to close shut and I tried to fight them but I wasn't able to

"Vanessa!" someone yelled, their voice echoed in my ears

"Vanessa!" they yelled again but this time they sounded closer to me

"HELP!" they yelled

"MOM?" I cried. My legs started running toward her voice, I ran faster then I could. my lungs burned and my heart raced

"mom where are you!" I yelled. I need to get to her, I cant loose her gain. I ran and ran but it seemed as if I was stuck in the same place. everything was dark but familiar. The longs, never-ending hallways, the smell of medicines. I opened each and every door but it seemed as if she had vanished

"Mom?" I cried once again

"She's gone!"

"Vladimir?" I whispered turning around to face him. the killer of my mother, the devil himself

"Surprise Vanessa" he said cheerfully "It's your turn. I'm coming for you" he said and all of a sudden he was chasing me. I got my little legs running. they burned, I wanted to stop but I couldn't

"You can run but you cant hide from me!" he screamed

I ignored him and kept running, then suddenly I trip over something and my body collapsed against the cold, hard floor. I looked behind me and he was gone, but there was something else on the floor, or can I say someone... I move slowly and carefully towards the persons body that laid lifeless on the cold hard floor, covered on their own blood.

"Mom!" I yelled running towards my mom, who laid on the floor, taking her last breath

"Vanessa?" she asked

"Yes, it will be alright. just hold on" I tried to calm her down

"You did this to me" she said with a fainting voice

"No mom, you were shot. but I'm here now, I will not leave your side again. I promise" I said

"You- You shot me. You did this to me" she said angrily

"No, I did not-" I was about to say then I realised what was on my hand.

A Gun

The Gun

I look back at my mom and she was gone. she laid there with no soul.

"Mom, please wake up. I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I cried

"Didn't mean to what. Kill her? Guess what Vanessa you killed her. Its your fault. You did this to her" he yelled

"No I did not!" I argued

I turn around ready for what was coming but again darkness overtook the hallways. in a far distance I saw a light. I said goodbye to my mother and ran towards the light. the light got closer and closer and I thought it was over, but I was wrong

"Vanessa, I'm glad you were able to join us" he said once again

"YOU! You did this. you ruined my life. YOU TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME!!" I yelled at him frustrated

"Oh no sweetheart, that was you. I didn't do anything. it was all you" he explained

"SHUT UP! I ordered and a shot gun followed my order

I open my eyes slowly and he laid there, dead. with a bullet right through his chest. a pool of blood started forming around him.

"Vanessa, how could you? He was my father!" I heard Alex yell from behind me.

I turned around and before I was able to say anything he ran towards me. I close my eyes and hope this would all be gone when I open them again. but another shot gun was fired. I open my eyes slowly, and again another body laid in front of me, surrounded by their own blood and I was to blame.

I did this. their blood is on my hands

"I did this!" I cried out loud

"It's my fault! Me I did this!"

"Vanessa! Wake up" I heard someone yell, they suddenly I was brought back to the real world

"Tyler?" I asked confused

"You were having a nightmare and I wasn't able to wake you up. I tried calling Daniel but he didn't answer so I called him" Explained Emily

"Thank you Emily" I said to my sister "Where's aunt Lucy?" I wondered

"She had to run somewhere early today" she explained

"wait what time is it?" I questioned

"5:38am" Tyler answered

"I'm going back to bed, I hope that's fine" Emily asked

"Yeah, thank you once again" I said to her. she nodded her head to walked toward her room

"I'm sorry you had to come all the way here. I was having a horrible dream about my mom, Vladimir and Al-" I explained before being interrupted

"You don't need to apologise. I'm here whenever you need. If you ever want to talk just remember that I will always be here" he said while killing my forehead.

"Thank you" I said laying back down "cuddles please?"

"Always" he replied then laid down next to me. he put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I could hear his heart beating.

I'm glad that was just a dream. I horrible nightmare. but I'm glad its over and I'm glad he is here with me

"Thank you again Tyler" I said

"No need to thank me, I'm just glad you are alright and if you ever need to talk about those dreams I'm here" He said

"I was trying to get to my mother and somehow Vladimir appeared and I shot my mom and then him and then Alex was there too and again I killed him" I explained

"It's all a dream Nessa, you didn't kill any of them. It's just a nightmare" he said trying to comfort me

It was just a dream Vanessa...

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