Chapter 7: HIM

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Vanessa POV:

After telling Daniel about my mom, I felt so much better. I've always been a person who doesn't share feeling and most of the time doesn't show emotions. Maybe because they taught me not to show fear and emotions. After my mom died all I did was lock myself from the world and ignored everyone around me. I stopped eating, training and even going to school. And after my dad got arrested it got worse, but soon enough I realised that I had to grow up and pretend that everything was okay, so I could protect Emily, I mean she is only 15 she needs me by her side. And I am trying to be there for her I really am.

I was now sitting with the boys at the cafeteria, enjoying our lunch.

"Hey V, you know we have a track and field team right?" asked Tyler suddenly

That was the first thing he said to me for the longest time ever. I was shaking for a moment. I was honestly shook. Tyler isn't that bad but he can sure get on someone's nerves

"Yeah, I'm aware of it, why?" I asked while taking a sip of my water.

"I've seen you ran and let me just say I was impressed. You should join the team!" he suggested.

Wait, he saw me run? Where? When? What a creep, when has he seen me run. I don't remember running around him. Is he stalking me or something?

Wait, did he just say he was impressed, WHAT?

"I'll think about it" I finally answered unaware of what else to say

The school bell rang letting us know it was time for our next classes. Good. it was starting to get a bit awkward here. we all go our separate ways and the second I entered the class

"Miss Smith, please stay behind after class" I heard Mrs Griffin say. What did I do?

Throughout the lesson I couldn't stop thinking of a good reason why she wanted to see me. Am I in trouble? I mean I wouldn't really care, but I made myself a promise that I would do better here and I will like to keep that promise. Once the bell rang again I walked to her desk to see what was so important

"You wanted to see me Mrs Griffin?" I asked

"Yes, please take a sit" she said pointing at one of the front desks and I do so as I was told

"It has come to my attention that your recent math marks have not been so great" she said

I took a deep breath. Dammit

"So, I have asked one of our best students to help you study for your next test. If you would like, but I would strongly advise you to take this offer." She spoke

"Yes, miss thank you so much. Who's the student?" I ask curiously

"I have a class now, so please come to my class after school and you will meet him, and we will disgust all the arrangements" she finally said

"Thank you, Mrs Griffin" I said before walking away from her class

He? whos he I wondered. Maybe that weird guy who sit all alone in the corner of the class. He never talks but I think he is smart.

After school I made my way to Mrs Griffins class to finally meet HIM

I knocked at the door and she let me in

"Please take a sit, he should be on his way" said Mrs Griffin

I took a sit and waited patiently. After 5 minutes we heard a knock I looked at who it was and honestly, I was shook

"HIM?" I asked loudly, louder than I anticipated

"ME?" he said confused

"Tyler?" I said sounding more like a question

"Yes, Mr Scott is the best student in our class, and he has been getting straight As since Freshman year" I heard Mrs Griffin say

I'm shook Tyler Scott AKA the bad boy who is barely in class and when he is, he is always half a sleep, is straight A student? I'm honestly speechless

"wow" is always I could say

"Basically, every year Tyler helps new student who are struggling with Math-" she was explaining

"And how many actually pass?" I interrupted

"All of them actually" she confirmed

So he actually has a heart, he actually cares about others and not only himself. Wow

"So, as I was saying, you two will meet at your own free time and he will help you wherever you need help on. you need to get at least a C to pass the year or you will unfortunately be forced to repeat the year. I would recommend you to take this offer and let Tyler help" she explained

After Mrs Griffin introduced me to my new tutor, Tyler. I thanked her and walked out of her class, followed closely by Tyler

"So, Smith your house or mine?" Tyler asked while we both walked down the whole towards the front entrance

"One, Vanessa or V will do and two, your house if it's fine, I can't focus in my house, too many distractions" I said

"Cool, we can do it an hour after football practice" he said

"Alright" I replied

After a few minutes we finally reached the parking lot, where my motorcycle and his car were parked

"Hey V, I want to show you something first" he said while pulling my hand

Is he trying to kidnap me? or did I give him the wrong ideas? If this dude lays a hand on me I will not hesitate to break his damn arm, it wont be the first arm I break

He dragged me to the football field where of students where either football or


I'm confused. Why did he bring me here? I thought I would be breaking someone's arms or something but instead he dragged me here! For what?

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