Chapter 35: Date?

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Vanessa POV:

I just got home from the hospital where I finally met Tessa. And she is Finally awake.

"Aunt Lucy, I'm home!" I yelled shutting the door behind me

"Good, I just got a call and they are thinking of doing a retrial on you fathers case. they haven't given me an exact date by they will let me know as soon as possible." She cheered.

"That's fantastic Aunt Lucy!" I replied giving her a tight hug.

"It sure is, hopefully your father will be coming home soon." She said "I better start getting my paperwork ready as they might call anytime" she said walking away leaving me by myself.

Ring ring

I looked down and Tyler's name popped up.

"hey" I said.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" he asked.

"Nothing. Why?" I wondered.

"I'll pick you up at 7, wear something nice" he said.

"I always wear something nice" I argued.

"I know, what I mean is wear something besides leggings and hoodies. Pleaseeee!" he begged.

"Fine!" I said and the phone died before another word was spoken

Do I even have anything nice? I asked myself walking upstairs to my room.

It's currently 5:23 and I'm already starting to get myself ready. I hoped in the shower and wash my curly long brown hair. I get out of the shower and look for something nice. I found one of my moms dresses she gave me before she passed away and I'm hoping it still fits. I get on my red, short well fit dress and looked at myself in the mirror

Damn Vanessa you look fine girl! I hyped myself up as always.

I go back to the bathroom and get my curls done, I put on some make up and some lipstick. I looked at the time .



I get my black shoes and walked downstairs to wait for Tyler.

I wonder if I'm overdressed? I mean he told me to wear something nice, but is this too much?

Ding dong

Shit he's here. Act normal Vanessa you literally see him everyday calm down! I walked toward the door, took a deep breath and opened the door. Tyler wore some dark blue jeans with a white button shirt and white shoes. He held a bouquet for flowers and had a huge smile on his face.

"WOW! You look absolutely Stunning Miss Smith!" he said "WOW, I'm honestly speechless!"

"You don't look so bad yourself Mr Scott!" I joked

he looks Handsome

"Shall we?" he asked putting his hand out for me to grab it. I held his hand and we walked to the car. He opened the door for me and gesture for me to go in.

"What a gentleman. Thank you" I said getting in. he walked around the car and got in the drivers seat.

"Are you ready?" he asked

"I am, may I ask where we are going?" I wondered.

"You'll see when we get there" he replied driving away.

I recognised the streets we drove past.

"Are we going to your house?" I asked

"It's a surprise!" he replied and continue driving.

We parked at his house and he quickly got out of the car. I didnt know if I should get out or not. He walked around the car and opened the door for me, he help his hand out and helped me.

"Shall we?" he asked.

"Yes!" I replied. We walked around the house toward the back ward.

"wait here" he said walking away from me. After awhile he came back

"Okay, close your eyes and no looking" he ordered. I did as I was told and closed my eyes. he grabbed my arm and led me to the back of the house.

"Okay, open your eyes" he said

I opened my eyes and what I saw was beautiful. The tree I climb had candle jars hanging on the brunches and under the tree there was a table for two decorated with a white remarkable tablecloth with red rose petals surrounding it.

"This is beautiful Tyler!" I said turning around I saw Tyler holding a red rose on his hand.

"Vanessa Rose Smith, since the first day I met you, I knew you were special. I tried ignoring you to see if the feeling would go away but it never did. You are beautiful, brave, smart, a bad ass and honestly just an amazing person to be with" he said smiling "the first time I realised I had feelings for you we were sitting on that wall right there, you decided to climb the tree just to make sure I was alright" he said pointing at the tree and at the spot of that night.

"the day you were kidnapped my heart stopped as I thought something even worse had happened to you, and I honestly don't know what I would do if something did happen to you. That same day you kissed me and ever since that kiss I can't stop thinking how crazy I am about you." He said taking another deep breath "With all that finally said, Vanessa Rose Smith will you make me the happiest guy in the whole universe and be my girlfriend?"

That is the cutest thing someone has ever said to me

"Yes!" I cheered

"Yeah?" he asked again

"Yes, of course Tyler" I said rapping my arms around his neck and kissing his soft lips slowly. He has his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. When we finally pulled away he hugged me tight and I hugged him back.

"My ribs!" I cried out in pain.

"Shit sorry, I forgot. I'm just so exited"he confessed.

"its alright. So, what's for dinner?" curiously asked

"lasagne" he said walking towards the table pulling the chair out for me to sit down

"Thank you" i said sitting down

Dinner with Tyler was amazing. We had lasagne for dinner and chocolate cake for dessert. I still cant believe he asked me to be his Girlfriend.

Im so happy!

Author's Note:

Awww, Tyler finally made a move!! I'm so happy

let me know what you think

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