Chapter 42: trust?

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Vanessa POV:

"I don't trust him. why would he want to do that. Maybe this is all his father's plan!" Tyler said

"I also don't trust him, we need to find Luca. I'll arrange a meeting with him" I explained

"Alright" he replied

"This will hopefully be done soon" I said then kissed his soft lips "And if he is messing with us, I'll murder him myself" I laughed

"I know you will, maybe I should start digging the hole with Daniel" he added

"A hole for what?" Cole asked

shit he doesn't know, and we cant tell him

"It's just Daniel gave Tyler the you hurt her speech and the hole thing" I lied

"Oh, Tyler don't worry about the hole, the twin and I will take care of that" Cole joked

"What is up with all of you, I wont hurt her" Tyler said

"Yeah we know you wont, you liked her too much, but its funny seen you mad" Cole laughed and walked away

"He has a point, its funny seen you like that. it's cute" I pointed out

"Very funny Vanessa!" he answered sarcastically

"Anyways, meet me after school with Daniel, we are going to see Luca" I remined him

"Alright, see you" he said kissing me softly "bye babe!" he added than walked away

The day went by slower than usual, all I could do is wonder why he faked his own death, and why did he come back?

"Class dismissed!" announced my teacher

Finally the day is over. I grab my stuff and make my way to the parking lot, where I'm meeting the boys. I spot Tyler's car and waited for the boys to show up. after a few minutes they finally showed up

"So, anything on Luca?" asked Daniel

"Not yet" I confessed

"So, how are we even going to find him?" Tyler asked

"The same old safe house as we found him" I replied

"And what makes you so sure he is still there?" Daniel wondered

"I don't, but I sure do know that Scorpions don't run, especially from Vipers. if they come after us we fight back" I explained

"Alright sounds good to me" Tyler said getting in his car

"The Three Musketeers ready for another adventure" Daniel sarcastically joked

"Let's get going!" Tyler said turning on his car

The trip there was longer than I expected, the boys constantly bombarding me with so many questions about Alex's plan, and honestly I don't know how I feel about it that's why I'm taking it to Luca. hopefully he will be there and will give us the answer we are all looking for.

"Park a few blocks away as always?" Tyler asked

"Yeah" I replied

He parked at the usual spot and we walked to the abandoned house where I hoped Luca was still staying at. I noticed that the house looked abandoned, but honestly what was I expecting. I knocked at the door and waited patiently for someone to open, then suddenly the door burst open

"Miss Vanessa, how may I help you?" asked Luca bodyguard

"Is Luca here?" I got to the point

"He will be here shortly, would you like to come in and wait?" he asked moving aside

"Thank you" I said walking in followed by the boys. we set down at the living room and waited for Luca to come. after around 15 minutes of us impatiently waiting for Luca, I finally heard his car park behind the house, well I hope it's him.

"Vanessa, Daniel, Tyler what an unexpected surprise! What brings you here?" Luca asked

"We need to talk. it's really important" I replied

"My office" he said walking toward his office. the boys and I followed him, once we entered his office we shut the door and set down

"So, what so important?" he asked pouring himself a glass of Whiskey

"Alex isn't dead-" I was about to say

"What the hell do you mean he isn't dead? didn't you go to his funeral?" Luca asked confused

"Well we did, but I guess it was all fake. He came to me on Friday night and he asked the to meet the boys at the park because he needed our help-" I continued

"Help with what?" Luca wondered

"He came to us and asked us to help him take down his father, he knew we couldn't do it alone so he asked me to bring this idea to you" I finally said

"Take his father done so he can take over the Mafia?" Luca asked

"He said he doesn't want the Mafia, he just wants his father to pay for what he did" I replied

"If we kill him the Scorpions will get into war with the Venom and that's the last thing we want to do" Luca confessed

"You're right but that monster deserves it" I honestly said

"I know he has done many horrible things in his life, but I don't think we can take him done. what if this is all Alex's plan? what if he wants us to believe that he is on our side but in reality its all Vladimir's mess. maybe pay back. I don't know" Luca replied

"I mean, it could be but what if we do it and don't tell him anything" Daniel said

"If we take him out quietly and carefully they will never know it was the Scorpion, I mean that guys has many enemies it could be anyone" Tyler added

they have a point

"It's dangerous" Luca stopped to think "I don't know, Vanessa what do you think?"

"Luca I honestly don't know. but what would your father do? if he had a change to take Vladimir out what would he have done?" I asked him

Luca's father and Vladimir never got along and neither did my father and Vladimir so I definitely know they would have taken this change. I mean its not everyday that your worse enemies son rises from the dead and turns against his father is it?

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