Chapter 12: The truth

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Vanessa POV:

After helping my Aunt and Em, I made my way to Daniel's house, I needed to tell him the truth. I mean Daniel is my best friend and I need someone to know about all of this so if something ever happens to me someone will now who did it.

I know I said I wasn't going to drag him into this as well, but I need to tell someone, someone I trust like Daniel

I knocked at the door and Daniels little brother opened the door for me.

"Hey there Noah, is Daniel home?" I asked

"Yeah, kitchen" he said then made his way upstairs

I walked toward the kitchen and heard Mrs Walker argue with someone,

"No, I will not tolerate this under my roof, make up your mind or leave!" Elizabeth yelled

I walked in and saw her and Daniel both fuming in anger.

"hello Dear, what brings you here so late?" Asked Mrs Walker trying to sound as if nothing happened

"I'm sorry for coming this late, but I really needed to talk to Daniel" I answered

"Shall we go to my room? I can't be here with her anymore" asked Daniel

"Yes please" I said following him upstairs to his room. We got to Daniels room and we set on his bed. It's time he knows the truth

" You look like you say a ghost, is everything alright? What do you want to talk about V? he looked concerned

"Danny its time you know the truth. I havent been completely honest with you" I said

"Did you murder someone V? I can help you hide the body and I promise not to tell anyone" he said playfully

"Not yet Danny" I answered seriously

I took a deep breath and looked at him

"There is so much you dont know about, but I also dont know where to start" I said "I've been keeping this from you since we met" I took a deep breath before I continued

"So, my dad was part of a Mafia, known as The Scorpions. They weren't the best, but also werent the worse for sure. Basically, my dad worked for the Mafia, and the Mafia Boss really trusted my dad with everything. My dad knows all the Mafia plans, enemies and weaknesses." I said taking a deep breath to continue.

"The Scorpions protected my family, until they couldn't anymore. The day my mom died was the day they stopped protecting my family. My dad got into trouble with one of the biggest and most dangerous Mafias in the world known as The Venom they call themselves Vipers they are a Russian Mafia... My dad lost a lot of money and The Scorpions couldn't afford to risk everyones life just because of my fathers mistake, and I don't blame them." I said trying to calm myself down.

"The reason my mom died was because they were trying to teach my father a lesson. They weren't meant to kill her, just to leave a mark. To remind my father what they are capable of, but they left a bigger mark then they should have. The Venom had contacts; they made my father seem guilty for murder of his own wife. And I have gone to The Scorpion for help, but they refused. Some Vipers came to my house and attacked both my Aunt Lucy and Emily" I said angrily

"Wait Emily, is she okay?" he asked suddenly

"Yeah, she is okay, she just has a few cuts on her face. But shes a warrior, she'll be fine and she is happy because she broke one of the guys nose" I said

"She did what?" he asked

"She just kicked him really hard on the face when he was trying to tie her up" I said laughing a bit

"Damn" he said "V I honestly dont know what to say" he said truthfully

And honestly I dont blame him, I wouldnt know what to say either

"Danny the reason why I'm telling you this is because I trust you with all my heart and I need your help" I said

"Whatever you need V Im in, and plus I need to get away from my family for a while" he said looking down

"Hey, if I may ask, what were you and your mom fighting about?" I asked

I saw Daniel taking a deep breath before saying

"V, there is also something you don't know about. Something I've recently told my mom and she didn't take it that well" he said taking a deep breath

"Did you murder someone Daniel? I can help you hide the body" I joke trying to calm him down a bit

"If I murder someone do you really think I'm going to tell me mom?" he asked "But no I didn't" he said looking worried again

I took his hand and held it tight

"Whatever it is Danny, I'll always be here for you even if they aren't" I said honestly.

Daniel took another deep breath and said "I'm gay"

What Daniel Walker is gay. My best friend. I didnt know what to say

"Daniel, you know when we were little, I had a crush on you right?" I said laughing trying to make him feel a little bit more comfortable

"Danny, there is nothing wrong with being Gay, it's completely normal and I'm proud of the fact you opened up to me" I answered honestly

"I'm afraid V, afraid my parent won't support me and afraid the boys will turn their backs on me" he murmured

"Hey Danny look at me" I said while holding his hand tighter

"they wont turn their backs on you, You guys are Family. And Family support each other and stick by each other side no matter what and if they cant do that, remember that I'll always be here for you no matter what. and your mom was just shook, give her time to process that and I know she will come around again" I said

"Thank you V" he said giving me a tight long hug

Author's Note:

Now that you know who They are what do you think they were looking for?

What do you think about Daniel coming out to Vanessa?

Next chapter will be up soon

I hope you enjoy

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