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    ~Big Time Skip~ (I'm not lazy, Nooo)


I couldn't sleep. That dream from earlier was just stuck in my mind and I couldn't shake it. I was in my dark room that alby gave me, since he didn't want me with the other boys, just in case. The only light seen was the moon peeping in threw a small window. After about. . . 10 minutes of debating I decided to just get up and go for a walk. I got up and grabbed a sweater one of the boys gave me. I believe it was . . . Uhm . . . Thomasssss-? I don't remember. I slipped the sweater over my shoulders and my body and crept to the door. I slowly crept outside. Once I was outside I decided to walk around before any one else woke up. I looked up at the walls and saw were the runners came in earlier. I walked up to it and sat in from of it criss-cross applesauce style. I stared at the wall debating what to do. If i should A( Grab some pans from the kitchen and walk around the Glade banging them or B( Just sing a song. I decide to sing a song since it would save everyone's ears and my sanity. Also because I didn't want to get lectured my alby. I began to sing (Your favorite SLOW song) it echoed threw the maze and threw the Glade. About half way threw my song I heard a voice. I looked around and didn't see anyone awake. "Y/N" I heard again. "Hello?" I shouted, but no reply. "Y/N, try speaking in your head and not out loud" the voice said. "What the hell?" I said in response to the voice in my head. "Ah, So it does work" said the voice. "Who the hell is in my head?" I said shouting a bit in my head. I didn't even know that was possible. "Okay first of all...Ow... Second of all, I'm Aris" said the voice now named as Aris. "Aris?" I said trying to recall the name. "Wait. . . You were in my dream yesterday!" I said surprised. "And how are you in my head...?" Like how do you get into someone's head with ease am I right? Haha-... "It's apparently called telepathy, It involves us focusing our energy to someone we wish to talk to and it allows us to speak only using our minds" Aris said. "With that being said ... Please go back to bed. It's not even sunrise, and your voice is beautiful but it's echoing threw everything so please- shhhh" Aris said sounding annoyed. "Wait But-" "Shhhhhhh" I was interrupted. "Aris I can't fall asleep.." "Oh then uhm I'll read you a couple of pages of the book I'm currently reading, if you like that of course." He said in reply of what I said. "Actually...I'd like that a lot" I said back getting up and walking back towards my hut. "Alright then uhm let me see." He said starting to read. I laid down in my bed and listened to his soft voice and little expressions he has for different characters. I eventually fell asleep and that was it.

Broken Promises (Aris x Reader TMR) *IM BACK*Where stories live. Discover now