Another Q/A?

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DAM RIGHT! THANK YOU SO DAMN MUCH FOR *cough* jesus... 11 FOLLOWERS AND OVER 4K READS. LIKE HOW?! HOWWWWWWWW?! Also, as a big hummongo award, i will choose 2 people to be in my story 👀👀👀👀 How to enter: You literally have to just remember my favorite food😁. anyway just ask your questions


And like 4 days from now i'll answer them and whoever 2 people I SEE FIRST to get my favorite food right, I will answer your comments with sum questions, like: What's the name of your character? What's the personality? And what your oc look like. So yeah. I'll try my best to post as always!

Love yas,
   ~MaMa Broken~

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