You act like a child

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Aris POV:

I watched Y/N sleep in there chair next to the bed. She's even more beautiful while she's asleep.

But I was cold. . . Should I wake here though? I mean I don't want to get yelled at.

"Y/N" I whispered while tapping her. "Y/NNNN" I said. She woke up and glared at me. Oh no. . .


"Can't a girl, get any sleep 'round here" I glared at Aris. He looked exhausted. "I'm sorry but I-Its cold" He said. I closed my eyes and sighed. I re-opened them and got up from my chair. "You act like a child, do you know that?" I said climbing into the bed. "I do not. I can't help the coldness here." He said turning facing me. "You know, It's not as cold as the Valkyrie" I told him. "Yeah, That's true" He replied. I climbed under the covers with him. I stared at Aris and he stared back. ✨Akwardness✨. He soon wrapped his arms around me. I jumped a little at the contact and he removed his arms. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Aris said with a worried tone. "Oh no, Your f-fine" I said looking away. (The corniness of this book, i swear) He slowly wrapped his arms around me again. I just buried my face into his chest, hiding the tint of pink on my cheeks. I was actually comfortable. About 5 minutes later I heard soft snores. Awww he fell asleep. I tried to escape his arms but he tighten his gripped everytime I moved. I sat there awake. I heard some noises coming from outside. I listened trying to figure the noises out. My eyes widen and I jolted up. "Y/N?" Aris said. I ignored him and ran out of my hut. I ran into Newts hut and saw something my pure eyed didn't want to. "AHHHHHHH" I screamed. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Three boys screamed back at me. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed again. "NO MY PRECIOUS EYES" I screamed as Newt threw his sweater at my eyes. I heard movement then I heard Aris calling for me. "Y/N, what's wrong" Aris said walking up to me. "NO NO AR-" I began pulling off the sweater off my eyes, but I couldn't finish. Aris was standing there looking into Newts hut. This innocent boy has been scarred for the rest of his life. I put the sweater over his eyes and walked off with him, flipping off Newt, Minho, And Thomas. I got back to my hut and placed Aris on the bed, removing the sweater. He seemed truamatized. He was looking at the ground, like he was in a trance. "We are to never speak of what we witnessed" I told him putting Newts sweater into a box I had in the side of my room. "Uh-Huh" was all Aris said. "Want to cuddle?" I asked him casually. Why? I don't even know. He spun around so quickly I thought his neck was gonna snap. His eyes looked surprised, but happy."Okay I'll take that as a yes" I said climbing into the bed. Aris layed down next to me and wrapped his arm around me again. I was listening to his heart beat. It was soothing. I fell asleep once more, to the soothing sounds.

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