I can't believe I fell In love with you

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I woke up breathing uncontrollably and quickly. I curled into a ball and began to cry. I lost chuck, Gally, Alby, and so much more people. Aris broke his one Promise. I miss Sonya, and her hugs. I uncurled from my ball and saw Teresa just standing there. She never talked I swear. She just crawled into my bed and buried her head into my arm. She's like an new born child. I heard a door open to the room we were in and a old man's voice say "Good your awake, Come with me please" Teresa let go of me and I looked at the man. He was wearing black and was armed with guns, and other weapons. I got up from my bed and they lead me to what looked like a washroom. I stepped into the women's washroom and got a shower. It was nice, the hot water bear against my back. One thing that bothered me, was most things was white. Blinding not gonna lie. They were clothes awaiting for me when I got out of the shower , I took them and put them on. (Imagine your own outfit :->) The guards led me to the cafeteria area. Minho walked up to me and said "We weren't the only maze. "No dhs sherlock" I said sarcastically, as I sat down with my friends. Newt gave me a hug, and continued his conversation with some dude. "How long have you been here" Newt asked. "About 2 days, But the kid back there have been here for at least 2 weeks" The dude said. I looked to where he was pointing and I saw the one and only. . . Aris. That Shuckface is about to get it. I got up, the boys watched as I walked over to Aris examining his cornbread. I sat straight across him. He looked away from his cornbread, placed it down, them looked at me. I had anger and rage in my eyes. He looked at me concerned but also confused. Like he didn't know who I was. "Uhm Hi" he said. "May I ask who you might be?" He asked me. Now we're gonna play, the I don't know you game, alright then. . . Let's play "Oh my apologies, Apparently we haven't met! I Y/N, and you are?" I said asking sarcastically but also like it we just met. "Y-Y/N?" He said and his face turned into surprise. "Yeah, That's me, So how's it fell to break promises" I asked upset. "Listen Y/N I-" He began. I cut him off, "I trusted you Aris, I rarely trust people. I thought you'd keep your promise! You left me, right before we left the maze I ran to get you, but you weren't there." I told him. He looked at me with guilt. I got up and said once last thing before walking off. "I can't believe I, Me Y/N, Y/L/N, Fell in love with you" With that i walked away. I left him there in shock. I went back to sit with my brother and the other Shuckfaces. "What'd you say to him?" Minho asked. "Nothing, Just gave him something to think about" I told him. "Like?" Newt asked. "Nunya" I told him. "What the hell is Nunya" Newt asked. "It means mind you own business" I told him sticking my tongue out. Some old dude came in, called some names and walked out. "Lucky bastards" The guy from earlier said. "Where are they going" Thomas asked. "Somewhere Safe" He told him. "Huh" I said in curiosity.

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