I wanna be a runner!

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I woke up with sun shining in my face. "Woah, Another weird team...That's fun" I said while sitting up. "Today I get to pick a job, and i know which one I wanna do" I aid confidently walking towards my door. I opened my door and when I did, Newt was standing there getting ready to knock. "Oh!" I said surprised. "Oh uh, Morning Y/N" he said putting his hand back down to his side. "Morning" I said walking pass him. "And where are you going in such a hurry?" Newt said following me outside. "Well, I'm going to go convince Alby that i should be a runner" I said walking towards where Alby was talking with a bit named Minho. "Wait- I thought i told you No" Newt said grabbing my wrist and pulling me back. "Newt, I don't want to stay still and do nothing. If there is a way out of here then I want to help find it." I said trying to convince him to let go. "No, I'm not losing you" He said grabbing onto my wrist tighter. "Your not going to loose me, I'll be fine" I said. He only sighed and let go. "Alby!" I said running towards him. "Good morning Y/N" he said while I ran to hug him. "Morning!" I said with a big smile. Maybe if I butter him up then he'll let me run today. "Did you need something?" He said releasing from the hug. "Yes indeed, I do" I said. "Well what is it?" He said curious. "I want to be a runner" I said proudly. He stood there for about 45 seconds before speaking. "No" he said simply. "Whyyyyy?" I said. "Because, It's to dangerous." He said walking off. "But I can protect myself!" I said running in front of him making him stop. "My answer will not change" he said walking around me. "Fine" I said and looked at the open walls. "Guess I have to take measures into my own hands" I said. "What-?" Alby said turning around. Before he could stop me I ran straight to the open walls. "Y/N!" Alby shouted as he ran after me. "GET BACK HERE!" he said with other boys joining him trying to catch me. I ran straight threw the walls and into the maze. I looked at alby and the other boys facing me. "Get back over here, Please" Newt said reaching his hand out towards me from the other side of the maze. "I told you Newt, If there's a way out of here, I'm going to help find it" I said turning facing the huge maze. "I'm sorry" were the last words I said before running into the maze deeper. "Y/N, NO!" Newt screamed after me. I ran confidently through the maze, I'm going to find a way out of here.

              ~Time skipppppp~

It's been a few hours since I came into the maze. I was feeling a little lonely since I haven't seen anyone for awhile. "It's scary in here. I keep hearing screeches" I thought to myself. "Scary Aye?" Somebody said in reply to me thoughts. "Aris, Now's not the time." I said replying. "Oh c'mon, You said scary and screeching and that triggered me. Plus you must've been thinking of me since your thoughts came to my head." (Ik that makes no sense but ehhh) how in the world did he know? I was thinking of him but not him like his person. I was thinking of the dreams I've been having lately and how we can talk threw our minds. Oh please, why would I be thinking of you? And yes I did say scary and screeching" I said a bit annoyed. "Wait . . . Are you in the maze?" He said his voice now turning to a worried tone. "Uh yea, why?" I said in reply. "Oh god, please get out if there it's dangerous!" He said really fast. "I'm fine!" I said. "Harriet hurry up!" I heard a voice close by. "Hold on Aris I hear someone." I said to him. "Do go near the voices! You don't know who or what they could be". He died worried. I ignored him a jogged towards the voices. I came across two girls. One had blonde hair and blue eyes. (I think that was sonya's eye color I don't feel like looking it up rn)
And the other had braided brown hair and brown eyes. "Oh" said the blonde hair girl. "What are you doing out here?" The brown hairs girl said. "Oh uhm" I began to say before I was cut off. "Come on we'll bring you back" one of them said before they bother grabbed my arms and began pulling me away. "Wait No No No Now you've missed understood I'm-" I began to talk again before I was cut off again. "Sh, you don't want to alarm the grievers" The blonde hair girl said smiling to me. "Grievers?" I said. The boys never told me about these grievers before. "Yes" she said now with a confused look on her face. "Here we are" the brown haired girl said before pulling into a big Field. It looked like the Glade but a little smaller and filled with girls. "Uh, What is this place?" I said stopping in my tracks. "Don't be silly, this is the Valkyrie. ( I forgot what they were called ahahaha) This Valkyrie place was cold. Very cold. It was all icy. "Oh haha rightttt" I said trying to blend in. "Where's your sweater? You looked awfully cold." Said the blonde haired girl. "Oh uhm I . . . Forgot where I uh . . . Put ittt?" I said trying to think of an excuse. "Oh well come on I'll take you to get a new one" She said pulling on my shoulder. "Alright" I said. I did have a sweater but I left it in my hut back at the Glade. As wr were walking s looked around. There were so many girls, but it was nice being around them, Since ether Glade read nothing but boys. Something did catch my attention. A boy in, hiding near the trees on the far side of the Valkyrie. He was examining me, then a sudden surprise looked swiped his face once I looked at him. He just ran away."I forgot to say, My name is Sonya" The girl I was walking with said snapping me out of my thoughts . "oh, haha I knew thattt" I said smiling akwardly. "Really? I never seen you around here" she said "Oh uh. . . " I said trying to make up an excuse.

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