A/N before bed

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Mhm lemme just- *internal happy scream* WE ARE LITERALLY ALMOST TO 1K READSSSDDDD AND 199 VOTEDS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. YOU GUYS ARE LITERALLY THE BEST!!! But seriously you guys really just- Ahhhhh! As I promised once we get up to 1k reads and 100 voted I will do a chapter about me. I have several drafts for the book so I might finish those, get them out there, then do the chapter about me. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask them as long as there not like . . . "Where do you live?" Or "What's your phone numberrrrr" No we don't ask those questions kay? Kay. If you want to contact me I'll give my instagram out but not my number. Also if you guys would like a face reveal of my ugly face I'll put that out after I set a goal. Maybe like 2k reads and 200, votes or something! Anyway, Thanks for tuning into today's Author note

Love yasss,
   ~Mama Broken ~

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