3 Author noted in a day????? Yepppp

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So like *sips tea dramatically* I'm sitting here writing, thinking, writing, cringing and thinking again. Now just out of no where I'm the kind of person to do something and think deeply bout it, and rethink it again and again. Now this book, is called *sips tea dramatically again* Broken Promises right? Right. Now it's corny as crazy but adorable at the same time No? I don't know if the title fits the story anymore. I'm only on the 28th part, and we're slowly entering the scorch trials part. WCKD still got us and we're chilling in the vent with a cliff hanger. I mean we still gotta get through the scorch, then gotta take Teresa hostage and then fight ratmannnnn and savenewtwhichyeahiknowitsamazingbut like, were going detail somewhat and this book probably gonna have 58 parts idk yet I'm not good at math. I don't know maybe I'll change the title after the book finishes, to fit the story line better? Also, if you don't like what I did with Minho, Thomas and Newt just tell me and the more comments I get of you guys not liking it I'll just take out Minho and stick with Newtmasssss. I just can't leave Minho hanging tho sooooooooooo ig you guys decide to kick Minho out of the relationshipppppppo, I'll make one lucky girl or boy to take the place of Minho's significant other! But if you wanna keep Minho, Thomas, And Newt s thing then *sips tea" OKEY. Anyway thanks for tuning in to the 3rf author note today.
Love yasss
   ~Mams Broken~

P.S, Yes i changed my pfp, also sorry for the short chaptersssss I like cliffhangers and i just stop when I see the opportunity to put a cliffhanger~

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