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"Scan them" Jorge said to the girl named Brenda now. "Alright" she got up really fast as some guys came behind us and put our hands behind our backs. " Hey be careful you don't put your hands on ladies" I said to the guy who was holding me, he was holding me really tight so it did hurt my wrists were going to definitely be bruised after this. "Get your hands off of her" Aris to the guard holding me trying to squirm out of the arms of the one who was holding him. Brenda walked up to Thomas and lowered him so he was on her level so. Thomas was screaming around a lot. "Calm down you big baby" said Brenda trying to get a hold of him. She scanned him with a electronic box. She looked at Jorge with a concerned look on her face. "There from WCKD" she said backing up from Thomas. The guys that go of our arms I rubbed my wrists they were in pain. Aris came it's the next to me and grabbed my hand. He looked down on me with a concerned look on his face. I squeezed his hand just to reassure him that I'm fine. "From wicked? You could be very very valuable" Jorge said. "Valuable?" Thomas asked. 

~Timw Skip~

I felt the blood rushing to my head very quickly. We were now hanging upside down chains holding our legs in a dark room. "Great job Thomas" I said rolling my eyes. He was the reason we were hanging upside down anyway. "I'm sorry" he said. ( Not me noticing I forgot about Teresa just now. . . I'm just gonna squeeze her in here . .  .) "My head is starting to hurt" Teresa said. "I'm pretty sure all our heads are hurting since the blood is rushing towards our heads I'm surprised half of us havent passed out" Newt said he had a point though. We sat there for a good amount of time thinking of a way to get from upside down. My head was hurting too much to even think straightly it was hard. My leg was starting to hurt since the cold hard chain was already on my bad leg the one I got bit on by a crank. I was looking around and I finally found a control box sitting next to Teresa it wasn't too far maybe if we push her far enough we can get her over there. "I got it" I said. "What's the plan big brain" Said Minho. "Shut up Sass king or I'll take your hair gel and hide it somewhere where you can't find it and we all know the Scorch is pretty big so if I drop it somewhere I'll take you a while to come back and get it just saying" I said answering to Minho's remark. "Now listen closely who's located the closest to Teresa?" I asked. "I am" said Aris. Ugh of course he had to be the one closest to her right. Whatever I have to focus on the plan. "All right Aris try your best to push Teresa towards the box that's sitting next to her, that's a control box if she can reach it she might be able to press the button to lower us or at least somehow get us out of here" I said trying to explain that simple as possible my leg was really starting to kill me. "I'll try" he said. I tried to swing around to face them to see if anything would go down just in case. "Come on aris you could do better than that" I said after he pushed Teresa a few times they got really close but not close enough. "I'm trying" he said. He eventually got Teresa to the control box she pressed the button and we began to lower but it was more like a drop. "Woah Woah" Minho Said. 

~Time skip~

We're running to the halls of the warehouse building. We came across a guard or I guess that's what they were, he was talking to his rest which was really weird but I looked closer and he was talking to a watch. "We found them" he said. "Good, we'll be there shortly" a familiar voice came from the watch. Brenda came from around the corner scared the living shuck out of us. "What are you guys doing" she said. I was way too into my thoughts. That voice . .  . There's no way it was him, were there spies in here for him? It hit me it was Janson. At that moment I knew we were in trouble he was going to be here in any minute and we were already cornered by Brenda and the traitor. "We have to go now" I said turning to Brenda. "Excuse me?" She said obviously offended, I wasn't trying to boss her around, I was trying to warn her. "If we don't go now Wcked will be here any minute and we will all be captured" I said quickly trying to walk past Brenda hoping that they follow me behind. "What?" Brenda said I'm sure everybody else was thinking  the same thing, they must be thinking I'm going crazy. "you have a couple of chairs among your guards I just heard one talking over to Janson" I said. "We have to get out here quickly if nobody wants to be captured, and personally I don't" I said grabbing on to Brenda's arm hoping that she cooperate with me. "Now where's Jorge?" I asked

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