✨Sis You've been Caught✨

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Me and Minho ran back from the maze. Ever since I've got to the Glade a few weeks ago me and Minho grew close. We told each other every secret. Like there was nothing I didn't know about him , and there's nothing he didn't know about me. Minho is my best friend and shall forever be. I parted my way from Minho as he ran to the map room. I ran back towards my hut to make sure Aris was okay, but just as I was about to run up to the door somebody pulled me backwards. "Aye, Let go" I said struggling in the grip of the person who was dragging me. We were heading to the deadheads. "Let goooooo" I said again and again. We finally were far in the woods away from everyone else. "Alright sis, spill" A familiar voice said plopping down on the ground. I sat up from where I was laying and there, sitting in front of me was my one and only brother. "Newwwwwt Hayyyy" I said awkwardly. "What am I spilling?" "Everything" he said. "Like the boy you brought into your hut earlier" Shuck, I thought nobody saw us. "What are you talking about?" I said. "Oh don't play dumb with me, I saw you run out of the pit and into your hut with a boy . . . Oh my god no" He said covering his mouth. "YOU UNHOLY CHILD" he said pointing and yelling at me. "What- Are you-" I began saying before realizing what he meant. "WANNA TALK ABOUT UNHOLINESS SIR" I shouted back. "WAHT?" he said. "SECOND WEEK I WAS HERE I HEARD STRANGE ASS NOISES FRIyM YOUR HUT SIR. I SWEAR THERE WAS 2  SHUCKING OTHER PEOPLE IN YOUR HUT" I said. "Shhhhhhh" he said covering my mouth before I started again. "Oh my gawd, that was a joke but dam bro. Who 👀" I said. I saw Newt turn 59 shades of pink. "Uhm, Thomas and Minho". He said looking away from me and mumbling under his breath. I choked. Never knew I was gonna be right! "I knew all three of y'all were gay. Niceeee!" I said standing up hoping to get out of this conversation. "Excuse me ma'am, were not done here" Newt said pulling me back down. I sighed and plopped back down. "If i tell you everything, you just promise not to say anything to anyone else" I said. "Promise" he replied putting his pinky finger out. "Okay" I said and began explaining everything. (I don't feel like typing the whole conversation since I'm like half awake half asleep sorry). . .

~Time Skip~

"Wow" Newt replied shocked. "Yeah, It's a lot to take in" I said. "Well uhm better get back to your boyfriend then"  Newt said at me. "He's not my boyfriend" I said glaring at him as he stood up. "Yeah sure" He said walking off. I looked up at the sunset. The doors to the maze where about to close. "Shuck" I stood up and began to run to my hut. I was about half way across the Glade when I heard the screeching of the doors to the maze closing. "No, No Noooooo" I said watching them close. Once they closed I walked back to my hut miserably. I walked in and saw Aris playing with the little stuff animals I had. (I don't carr that it sounds childish, it sounds cute to me so ✋🏼✨) "Oh hey Y/N" Aris said standing up with the toys gathered in his hands. "Hey" I said as I flopped down on my bed. I watched as Aris neatly put the animals away. "You look upset, Are you okay?" Aris said sitting in the chair next to my bed. "Oh yeah totally, Not like the maze's doors closed and I couldn't get you back home" I said sarcastically smiling at him and then putting my head back into my pillow. "It's fine, I'll go back tomorrow" he said patting me on my back. I hummed in response. The sun started to set and I heard a knock at my door. "if you aren't my sanity, my hair gel that went missing a weak ago, or a magical genie, go away" I mumbled into my pillow. "Sis, it's time for the bonfire" Newt replied entering my room. "Oh, is this him", Newt said pointing to the scared Aris in the chair. I shaked my head into my pillow. "Well then, hey I'm Newt Y/N'S brother" he said. "Uh I-Im Aris-" Aris began before getting cut off by Newt. "Y/N'S boyfriend, right?" He said. I choked in my pillow and Aris replied with "B-B-Boyfriend?" And looked at me. I looked up from my pillow and glared at Newt then turned to Aris and said "Don't listen to him. He's a Shuckface" I said. "Well then Uhm I'ma go now. Come down the bonfire if you want" Newt said leaving wiggling his eyebrows. I smirked and replied to his actions with "I don't want to hear any funny sounds coming from that hut of yours" I said. Newt turned pink then smirked. "Right back at ya" he stuck out his tongue, shut my door and ran off. "You A-" I stopped myself. Aris seemed confused. "What did you mean 'Funny noises' and why did he reply with 'Right back at ya.'" This kid was so innocent. *Sniff* I have been blessed with a messed up brother, a sassy best friend, and a over-protective father type friend, but i got a better angel friend. When I said friend to myself i frowned. I've only known Aris for a few days and I seem to be having weird feelings around him. Everytime he smiles my heart flutters. Everytime he hugs me my stomach turns, and my cheeks began to burn. I try to think of a reply. "You'll learn someday" I said and plopped my face back into my pillow. "Oh . . . Okay" he said. "Are you hungry" I asked him he shook his head yes. I got up and walked to my door. "I'll be right back" I said and smiled walking out of my hut. I saw everyone from the Glade around the bonfire. What caught my attention was Newt kissing Thomas. You could tell he was drunk. He noticed me start and he wiggled his eye brows and mouthed "Learning from the best aye?". "You wish" I mouthed back and walked off to a table, filled with food frypan made. I grabbed some food for Aris and walked back to my hut. "I have returned, with food" I said walking in. He was again on the floor playing with my stuff animals. "What's with you and those toys" I said handing him the food. "I don't know, they just calm me down." He said taking the food. "Aren't you like 16?" I said. "Yeah" he said "Why?" I shrugged and decided to play with him. (I have the mindset of a child don't judge) It was actually very fun. It began to get late and I was obviously tired. I told Aris he could sleep in my bed. (let's pretend they got beds not hammockssss). He refused to, but I eventually got him to. I decided to sleep in my chair. It wasn't the most comfortable thing but eh. Eventually I fell asleep.

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