Mother Type

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I woke up and noticed Newt was gone. It was dark in my room and outside. I saw a figure walk towards me, as it got closer I saw it was Teresa. She's lucky my arm was wrapped since that little scrap that felt not so little. "What do you want?" I said to her. She looked at the ground and said, "Look I'm sorry I didn't know that Thomas was with Newt and Minho. I felt bad when I found out, So please forgive me!" She sounded like she was on verge of tears. I told her to come closer and she did. I let her hug me. I know she did hurt Newt, but I felt like she was going to be really sensitive. I felt like a could trust her. At that moment I adopted her, she's gonna be like another Newt to me. I felt like a mother type in this place! I'm always stopping Gally from getting into fights, I help cook when I can, I wrap the runners injuries  when they get hurt, I help build, and garden, but mostly run. It was like i did everything. I didn't mind it though! Everyone came to me for everything but that's okay, I was never alone. If i was never around they knew to go to Newt. I was thinking of all the dumb moments the boys had when I first got here, It's only been a few months of this. I was stroking Teresa's back, when Newt came in. "Hey" He said. Teresa turned her head from my shoulder and looked at Newt. "It's okay, I forgive you" He said to Teresa. She just hid her head back into my shoulder. "How's Thomas?" I asked rubbing Teresa's back. "He apologied, I forgave him but Minho still hasn't which sucks cause they both want my attention. It's mostly Minho though! And you broke Thomas's Nose, So now he's terrified of you, but oh well" Newt said. "Are you two coming to the bonfire" He asked. I looked down at Teresa and she looked up at me. She shook her head yes but very vaguely. "We'll be there in s moment" I turned to Newt and smiled. "Okay but hurry up you shanks" He said walking off.  Teresa pulled out of my embrace and headed to the door. I followed her and walked outside. I scanned the group of drunk boys. Most of them were playing games, or running around chasing each other. I spotted little chuck in the crowd. "Aye chuck, what are you doing out of bed" I said walking towards him. He ran towards me smiling and said something I didn't expect to here. . . Ever. "Mom!"

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