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"There it is! The Glade" I said an smiling running to the doors. As I got closer i saw a siloutette in the rays of the shining sun. I got really close and saw the one and only Newt. "NEWT!" I shouted at him. "Y/N!" he yelled back Opening his arms, signaling me for a hug. I ran right into his warm embrace. He picked me up a little off the ground and spun me around. "I was so worried" he said pulling me into another hug. This hug made me have a flash back. It was a quick flash of a women giving birth to, two babies. One a girl and the other a boy. The flash back ended, as me and pull pulled apart. "Y-You saw that to r-right?" He said. "Y-Yeah" I said looking at the ground. "We must be siblings!" I said looking up to face Newt. "Oh my gawd, your totally right!" he said hoping up and down. He seriously acted like a little girl getting a puppy on her 7th birthday. How I knew what a puppy was beyond me. We began walking back and Alby ran up to us, with Gally following me. Gally never liked me but, he'll get over it. . . I hope. "You crazy, crazy, crazy girl!" Alby screamed at me. "Calm down big man" I said to him backing away. "Calm down? Calm down?! You ran into he maze like it was a amusement park!" He said obviously annoyed and angry. "She needs to be punished! I say a week in the pit" Gally said pitching in. "A week? That's to much!" I said trying to defend myself. "She's right! Your not locking my sister up for a week, and that's that" Newt butted in. "However, she still needs to learn her lesson. A night in the pit" Newt started again. "Really?" I said upset. "Sorry sista" he said turning away to walk away. "One night, And did he call you sister?" Alby said. "Yeahhh long story" I said, walking towards the pit. "This is better then being lectured, and seeing Thomas and Newt flirt all night" I said getting into the pit. "Haha, Guess your right" Alby said. "Anyway, while you were in there did you find anything?" He said. I froze remembering everything. The Valkyrie, The events with Aris, and everything else. I looked up and smiled. "No, but i did try" I said. Alby just hummed a yes, locked me in the pit, and walked off.

~Time skip~

Aris POV:

I literally can't believe I'm about to say this, but I miss Y/N. For the past few weeks I've been here, I haven't said I missed a girl before. But Y/N was different, she was sweet, caring, daring, confident and just perfect to me. I looked at the maze opening. It was going to close in about 5 minutes. I wanted to see Y/N again, I wanted to feel her warmth again, so without thinking I ran into the maze when nobody was looking. The maze was seriously really big and I could see myself getting lost. I ran through the maze with my feet pounding on the ground. I saw a few Grievers but I quietly and quickly slipped pass them. I came across what looked like an exit. I walked into it quickly and cautiously. It was almost like the Valkyrie, but sunny and warm. I heard a voice calling my name. "Yo, Aris what the hell are you doing here?" I followed the voice till i found the source of it. It was Y/N in what looked like a hole. "Heyyy Y/NNN" I said. "Don't Y/N me" she said obviously angry.


"Don't 'Heyyy Y/N' me" I said to the Aris standing above the pit. "What are you doing in there" he said confused. "Punishment" I said looking away from him. "Why are you being punished. . .?" He said looking at the lock. "I ran into the maze without permission, I'm not suppose to run the maze since its to quote on quote 'dangerous'" I said doing finger signs. "Oh well-" He began before being cut off by the terrible sound of the maze door closing. "Well, guess I'm not getting out of here tonight" he said looking away from the doors. I looked up to stared at him and noticed, Aris had unlocked the door without me noticing. I grabbed him once I noticed and pulled him into the pit and shushed him. "Hey Greenbean, I got you food" I heard Newt say. "Ohhhhh thankssss broo" I said nervously. "You okay? Your acting weird". He said handing me the plate and looking at the lock conventionally. "Oh looks like Alby didn't lock this" He said relocking it. "Don't want ya getting free" and with that he walked off. I looked at Aris both of us were looking nervous. "Hah, This is gonna be fun" I said trying to break the tention at that moment. "Yeahhh" he said. I pushed the plate to him and said "Eat". He looked at me and pushed it back. "No, you need to eat". "No I'm giving it to you, besides I'm not hungry" I said pushing it back. After a good 5 minutes of pushing the plate around he made the best suggestion ever. "How about neither of us eat it, dammit" he said annoyed. "Fine with me" I said sitting back against the wall, crossing my arms. We sat there in silence until eventually the sun set. I was prepping myself to get comfortable in the pit, Aris already fell asleep which doesn't really matter. He did run the maze to get here, so he had to have been tired. I eventually laid down and fell asleep.

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