Chapter 21: Babies on the way!!

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I then woke up with Jakes arms still around me. I pushed his top arm off of my while he grunted trying to pull me back. I then cleared his arms and stood up. There was a pain in my stomach.
"Ow" I had to sit back down.
Jakes body went straight up and he moved towards me.
"Are you okay" he said while putting his hand on my belly.
"I don't know" and the pain hit me again I let out a yell,Cody ran out.
"Jake something's wrong" I said a huge breath.
"Nadia" Jake yelled while he ran over and went in front of me.
"Jake" I said while yelling in pain again.
"Nadia" Jake yelled again.
My dad and Cody came in but no Nadia.
"Cody go get Nadia" I said yelling in pain.
Cody ran out and yelled for Nadia. I could hear doors slam and his foot steps.
"I can't find her anywhere" he said running back.
"Oh my gosh" I said.
I yelled in pain yet again.
Nadia where are you.
I went out. What's going on.
I think the babies coming.
Hold on I'm only 5 minutes away.
"Hold on" my dad said.
"The babies to early" I said said trying not to yell.
"It doesn't take long remember" my dad said holding my hand.
"Nadia's almost here" I said.
"Just hold on" Jake said.
Cody ran around me with a cold cloth and put it on my head while he leaned me back. My breathing was heavy. I let out a groan. The pain won't stop, the pain has gotten worst.
Jake gave me his hand as I squeezed it. Jakes hand turned white while his face turned to hurt.
I heard the front door close and I heard running foot steps coming towards us.
"Pick her up and follow me" Nadia said a little calmly and she waited for us.
"Dad I don't want mom to miss this" I said with a couple tears falling out.
"I'm sorry Hun you know she can't" he said holding me close as he picked me up. He followed Nadia into a room that has a bed and a monitor in it.
"Are you a nurse" I said.
"You think this is my first time there was a baby on the way when people are running away from the caddies" she said with a little giggle getting supplies out.
My dad laid me on the bed while Nadia put on gloves. Jake, Cody, and dad sat by my side. I just wanted my mom there.
"Dad I know this is weird to say but can someone record the baby" his face got pale.
"Yeah I will" he said while he got his iPhone out and went by Nadia.
Cody came over on the side my dad was on and held my hand.
"Are you ready hun" Nadia said.
I nodded.
"Alright push when I tell you to, okay?" She said.
I nodded again.
"Ready, 1..2..3.." She waited a second, "Push"
And I pushed.
Her smiled went to her ears. "A little more Bella"
I was sweating a lot and I was very sore. I pushed a little bit more.
"Come on Bella just one more big push" i groaned, "the heads out."
"Come one babe" Jake said and I held his hand tight.
"You're going to break my hand Izzy" Cody said with his teeth clenched together.
There was a raging pain "holy shit" I whispered.
My dads face was pale white.
"Okay one more push" Nadia said.
I pushed. Nadia's smile was bigger.
I could hear the baby crying. The pain was relieved. She put the baby on me wiped it off. She took the baby off me and wrapped it.
"Congratulations, it's a boy"

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