Chapter 4

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We got done eating and went upstairs to my bedroom. We laid in my bed and I closed my eyes.
I heard more quite whispers downstairs. I turned on my hearing.
"He's something dangerous I know he is" my mom said.
"I don't think he is Teresa I would be able to sense it" my dad snapped back.
"I can't really trust him I mean he's the sweetest boy ever but my daughter could be in danger" she said with pity.
"Teresa I don't know" my dad said unsure.
I got up and went to the bathroom. I could hear more that way.
"Teresa she can not move she'll be safer here" My dad said getting a little hyper.
"Really? Not with Cameron around" my mom snapped.
"Cameron" I whispered to myself.
"Teresa we will talk about this tomorrow" my dad said getting calm again.
I went out of the bathroom. I walked to my room and went over to take my necklace off. I stood in front of my dark brown mirror with my dresser attached.
I looked into my mirror and I didn't see Cameron on the bed he must've gone to the bathroom. Wait I just came from there.
"Cameron?" I said looking around.
I turned back towards the mirror shaking it off. I look up and he was right behind me, making me jump and then turn around.
"Cameron you can't do that to me," I said hitting him softly.
I turned around again and his eyes turned wrinkly. I turned toward him as tried to go backwards, forgetting that my dresser was behind me.
"I'm sorry Bella" he said looking down at me with his teeth sticking out. Only vampires do that. I opened my mouth and let out a quiet shriek, he covered my mouth to stop it. I moved my head and my scream came out.
"Bella" my mom said yelling. I heard my parents running up the stairs.
"Mo-" Cameron stuck his hand over my mouth again and jumped out of my window.
"What are you doing Cameron please stop" I said trying not to cry.
"Be quite Bella" he said.
                           I woke up.

I felt tears run down my face and notice I was screaming. I noticed that Cameron left and that's what made me have nightmares. My mom and dad ran up and talked to me and calmed me down.
"Are you okay honey" my mom said calmly.
"I don't know mom" I said putting my head in my knees.
"What happened" she asked laying right by me.
"Nothing" I said teary eyed.
"What's wrong, what happened to make you have such a terrible dream" she asked worriedly.
I looked at my dad, then my mom.
"Cameron" I said teary eyed my parents looked at each other with big eyes.
"What happened with Cameron" my mom asked with a surprised face.
"When I was attacked by those two vampires I turned around to him and his eyes were wrinkly and his face turned veiny. I didn't know what was happening. I was confused" I said looking down.
"What else did you see" my dad asked sitting by me.
"His teeth were sticking out" I said putting my head in my knees again.
"Just go back to bed honey," my mother said kissing my head as I layed down.
They closed my door and they went down stairs I turned my hearing on.
"I told you" my mom said in a whispering yell.
"Teresa please just give me a second" my dad sounded upset.
"We don't have a second" she said.
"She has to be out of her and away from him" she said.
"Teresa I will stay on watch for now, like I said we'll talk about this tomorrow." he said with a growl.
"I'm calling him" My mom said.
Him who's him? Cameron? Who else is him.
"Teresa please stop" my dad pleaded.
"No I can't he hasn't seen her in a long time she deserves to know." My mom said with a little guilt in her voice.
"Teresa I can't lose her" my dad yelled.
"But I won't be able to take seeing her in a coffin dead" my mom yelled back as she stormed off into her old room just like before they got a divorce.
I could hear her crying, Im causing to much stress for them. It might be the fact that she misses how her and dad were together. I just wish they could get back together. They are perfect for each other. Should I go in there? Should I go talk to her?  I started getting upset. I started crying silently so they couldn't hear me. Then I fell asleep.

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