Chapter 6

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"Get up we need to go" I heard the guys voice again, "get up dammit" he said with his voice cracking. I opened my eyes.
"What happened" I said trying to sit up. He grabbed me and hugged me. His muscles were squeezing me.  He picked me up and started running. I was starting to black out again.
"I'll tell you when we get to the safe house" he said holding me tighter.
I closed my eyes, and I was out.
I woke up and sat up looking around. I was in a dark room. I was hoping it was mine and it was just to dark see. I got up looking around noticing it wasn't mine but stubbing my toe on some table.
"Hello," I said wearily turning a corner seeing two guys talking back and forth. I instantly grabbed something that was sharp so I would have at least some defense. I heard them talking to each other.
"I can't take her some where else" he sounded aggravated.
"It's better for her I get that your upset" another guys said. Then the guy cut him off.
"You don't get it she my damn sister," the guy with the familiar voice said , "I can't let her go again not since I finally get to actually watch her and talk to her and not have to follow her around making sure she's not getting into trouble."
"What the hell" I said listening. They heard me and their eyes darted to me.
"Umm hi" the guy said looking at me.
He was very attractive. He had black hair that went down to his eyes. Dark blue eyes. He was really tall. He had really big muscles almost likes he can pull an army tank. He had really straight teeth.
"Are you okay" the other guy asked, as I noticed that I dazed out a couple seconds.
"Yeah I'm fine where am I" I asked looking around. And holding the sharp object behind my back.
"Your at the safe house for mixes" the other guy said, "sorry, can we go somewhere to talk a few minutes."
"Ummm.... sure" I said biting my lip trying not to show that I'm scared.
We walked into the room that I came out of and I set down the knife looking thing. We sat down on the couch and he kept staring at me.
"Umm so what did you want to talk about" I asked trying out my brave voice.
"Gosh you are full of curiosity , like me," he said smiling.
"I got it from my dad" I said looking down with my eyes burning.
"Yeah me to" he said looking at me, "well I'm Cody"
Cody? that stopped my heart making me not breathe for a couple seconds. As in Cody my older brother that got killed 5 years ago? My only full brother Cody? It can't be though, he was dead in a casket. He was dead, Gone. It can't be. I looked at him my head tilting from side to side. Trying to figure out. He's changed if it is him.
"I'm Isabella" smiling a bit.
"I know and you barely changed a bit" he said chuckling with his face in the biggest grin.
"How?" I asked curiously again.
"Well I mean we look a lot alike, we act a lot alike" he said smiling a lot more. His face turned serious, "Izzy its me, I'm your brother, Cody" he said smiling again.
I sat there shocked until it hit me.
"Oh my gosh," I said covering my mouth trying not to scream. He stood up and I got up and ran and jumped on him. Holding on to him as tightly as I could.
"I'm never letting you go please don't ever leave" I said crying. This is one of the happiest day of my life. I have my brother back in my arms!
"I will never let you go ever" he said putting his arms around me squeezing me.
"Your crushing me" I said trying to breathe.
"Oh shit I'm sorry" he said backing off and putting his hands in his front pockets shrugging his shoulders.
"I don't care, I just missed you" I said hugging him again with my head in his chest.
"I miss you to" he hugged me back less tighter than before.

*********** the guy at the top is Cody, what do you think of this story so far??*****

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