Chapter 27

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I've been here for a few days. Where's my dad and brother? What about Jake or Nadia. I need my baby to live. I will sacrifice myself. I just need Colden safe. He's only a baby. I haven't seen him since the first day I got here. My heart aches from being away from him. I've tried a lot of spells and all my strength to get out. It's just not coming. I'm starving and exhausted from crying myself to sleep.
I saw a little girl that I have seen before. Her dark skin and eyes, her poofy black hair. Her eyes were looking at me for help. I went to the glass wall looking at her putting my hand on the glass. She looks even more precious in really life. She kept looking at me until I saw her hit the ground. One of the guards pushed her down. She started crying and my blood boiled up to my head.
I started screaming and pounding on the glass at them as they looked at me like I was crazy. How could they do that. She got up still crying. She's wearing a dirty white shirt and black pants. There was a cut by her eyebrow.
My eyes started tearing up and I saw her look at me and cry for help. I sat there by the glass and leaned into it, knowing that I can't help her. I am a hopeless help. Not one child deserves to fell that kind of pain, knowing that they can never get out.
They then took her out of my sight as I followed them as far as I could. I pressed a button sending a guard I front of me. He showed up and his face turn sad as I could tell he doesn't like this job. He's tried to talk to me every time I'm crying but I pushed his away saying he won't ever care.
I said quietly as I sounded weak with my runny nose from crying,"can I just see my baby."
He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, "I'm sorry, I can not do that."
They have served me food here but I don't eat it. I'm starving but I don't have the energy to eat.
I looked back down while I was still sitting and leaning on the glass. Tears came falling town me not being able to stop it. I didn't even try to stop crying.
There was a girl about 16 years old that's right across from me looking at me. She always looks at me with sympathy. I can here her at night crying out for her mom and dad.
I looked at her as she turned away.
"How long have you been here," I asked looking at her hoping she could hear me.
"For 9 months," she said.
I looked at her emotionless as she got up and touched the button that darkens the glass so no one could see through and she could sleep. I got up and did the same. I lied on my bed facing the concrete wall. I covered up with the thin sheet that they gave me when I arrived. I was shivering. I rolled into a ball. The tears were still rolling down my face.
I closed my eyes trying to block out the rebelling down the hall. It's the same guy every night. His screaming then his cry for pain. He's probably around eighteen. He was cute with his brown short hair and his hazel eyes.
I laid there until my I couldn't open my eyes anymore and I couldn't feel my toes. Until I couldn't hear my stomach growling. The only thing I ha din my mind was Colden and Nadia's baby girl. What's her name again, oh yeah it's Grace.
I woke up to the guards running and yelling down the hall. I went into my personal bathroom and fixed myself. I know I smelt and looked terrible with my make up down my face. I washed my face then got into the cold shower. I washed myself off pretty good then I got into new okay smelling clothes. I walked out with my damp hair and sat on my bed. I hadn't lightened up the glass yet.
I know I had to lighten up the glass soon enough. There was a time that you had to lighten it up by. It's usually ten but on weekends it's twelve. I heard a knock on my door as one guard came in and set breakfast on a tiny table. I just sat there and watched as he stood up looking at me. I turned my head back so he was just facing my back. I've already lost a lot of weight and I don't even have the feeling of hunger anymore. I could tell you could see my spine through my grey tank top. I was sitting forward not wanting to look up. I sat there until I heard the door shut and the guard was out.
I then felt a hand in my back. I turn around and see my mother. I must be hallucinating from not eating. Tears form in my eyes just looking at her.
"Mom," I said standing up.
"I am here my child," she said as she pulled me into an embrace.
"How are you here," I said.
"I awoke from my trance," she said,"i went and saw your little baby Colden."
"How do you know his name," I asked in wonder.
"Darling just because I wasn't awake doesn't mean I wasn't here," she said,"i was there for the birth and I was wondering why the hell Cameron showed up."
I nodded while I looked down and sniffed.
She brought my head up then kissed my forehead. She's was pure beauty. She's the mom I remembered who was in love with my dad. The mom that was always there for me. She got so caught up with that other guy that she didn't have time to think about what was right.
"Darling I have to go, but I promise you, we are coming to get you," she said,"and please eat, you look so weak."
I hugged her for the last time as I watched her disappear. If that was a hallucination I hope I have more until my day comes that they come and execute me. But oh gosh if it was real like how it felt it'll be a miracle.
I turned around and saw my breakfast there as I looked at it for a few minutes. I went and got it and ate. I didn't know how hungry I was until I tasted the refreshing food. It wasn't the best but it should be fine until someone comes and saves me. If they don't I'll just live with it.

Save me now?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें