Chapter 9

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After everything happened I couldn't stop smiling. I got in the shower and dressed up in a cute purple and light blue tank top that shows part of my belly with shorts that were white. I let my hair be its naturally curl.
I walked out of my room with Jakes eyes staring at me and smiling. And Cody's as "holy shit you have to be kidding me" face but he was smiling at the same time.
"Damn girl who you trying to impress" my brother said giggling.
"I don't know I just found these and though they were cute" I said blushing.
"I think she look good" Jake said smiling looking over at Cody.
"That's my sister you ass" Cody said throwing a pillow at him as I giggled, "are you about ready?"
"Yeah I guess" I said biting my lip, "where are we meeting?"
"You'll see when we get there" Cody said.
"Who's all going then" I asked.
"Well me, you, and I guess Jake" he said looking at him.
"Well damn don't have to be such a grump" Jake said.
"Yeah yeah yeah" said Cody in annoyance.
"So where will you guys be?" I asked in curiosity.
"Well we will be watching you guys, just in case" he said.
I rolled my eyes,"I can protect myself."
They both turned and looked back at me.
"Just in case," Cody said with a tiny smile.
I groaned then walked over and got some juice out of the fridge.
"Are you ready to go" Cody said getting on a black shirt.
"Umm I guess" I said biting my lip and twiddled my fingers.
"Let's go" he said walking out the door.
I walked to the front of the door then stopped. I was twinkling my figures by my side and was trying to breathe. I felt some one grab my hand.
"Trust me you'll be fine" I heard Jakes voice as he pulled me through the door.
"I don't know if I can do this," I said stopping again.
"You can do this, I'll be here by your side," he said smiling and pulling me so memory. We got in the car and I got in the passenger seat. We were driving through dark streets and and dirt roads as we stop in the middle of the forest.
"What are we stopping for" I asked.
"This is where we are meeting, just walk forward a couple yards and there's a big opening" Cody said, "we'll be right behind you."
"Okay" I said letting out a breath.
I started walking and I found where I was suppose to go and I stood there.
"Bella" I heard as some one runs, pick me up, and kisses me.
"Cameron," I said hugging him.
"I've missed you where did you go" he asked.
"I had to leave" I said looking down.
He picked my head up and kissed me again.
"Come back" he said.
"I can't" I said back.
"Because it's dangerous"
"Who's dangerous I'll save you"
"You know who's dangerous" I said looking disgusted.
His eyes squinted at me.
"Don't play dumb" I said with hate in my eyes.
"What do you mean" he said going to take my hand. I moved my hand away.
"Stop, you are the monster" I said backing up.
His face turned to sadness. Then to anger as he chucked a rock into the forest.
"Shit" I heard Jakes voice.
"Who's here with you" he said with anger in his voice.
"No one what are you talking about" I asked trying to sound like I didn't hear any thing.
"Don't play stupid" he said grabbing my wrist.
"Let go of me" I said trying to break free.
"If I do, I loose you and I can't handle it" he said as his veins popping out around his eyes again.
"Let go of me" I said again with panic.
"I love you please don't leave me," he said gripping on tightly.
"Your hurting me Cameron please stop" I said in tears, "let me be free Cameron it's the only way to save me," I said tugging my arm.
He tried pulling me towards him but before I could stop it, I tripped and fell. He got on top of me and started kissing me.
I resisting. He started moving his hands down to my pants.
"Please, please stop Cameron," I said crying.
Jake ran over and tackled him to the ground and started punching him. Cody pulled me up and made checked to make sure I was okay.
"Run" Cody said pushing me to go.
Cameron got back up and tried going for me again. I looked at him and turned and ran. Jake and Cody both went after him and threw him down to the ground.
"Bella please help me" I heard Cameron faint voice.
I ran to the vehicle and got in and shut the door. The boys came and ran into the vehicle and started it up. I sat in the back and I started crying. Cody started up the car and took off. Jake saw me crying and climbed in the back with me.
"Don't worry he'll never touch you ever again" as he took my hand.
We were all quiet on the way home, not wanting to bring any thing up. When we got home I went right into my room cleaned the blood off of me then I got changed into my pajamas. I went out and plopped in vampire diaries and sat on the couch.
Jake realized that I was sitting there and came in and sat by me. He looked at me making sure I wasn't crying. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. I started crying in to his shirt I couldn't stop.
I remembered how hard he grabbed me. I looked at my wrist there were finger marks. Then I looked at my stomach there were cuts all over. There were also a cuts on the side of my mouth there and also on my forehead.
"Are you okay" Jake said looking at my wounds.
"I'm fine I think" I said trying to clear my eyes.
I heard my brother come into the room. Jake didn't remove his arm though he held me tightly. Cody came and sat by us.
"I'm going to beat the living shit out of him" Cody said clenching his fist as it turned white.
"It's not going to solve anything" I said touching his hand as he unclenched it.
"It will if I kill him" he said grinding his teeth.
"Cody it's fine really" I said looking down.
"What the hell Izzy no it's not" he paused then exploded," he was going to rape you and look at what he did to you and you're fine with it!"
"Cody stop," I said trying to hold the tears in.
"Don't tell me to stop!"he said yelling and he stood up and walked out of the house.
I went to go get him but Jake pulled me back down.
"It's better to leave him alone right now" he said taking my hand, "he's never been so upset about this stuff before. He cares a lot about you."
I giggled, "well he is my only full brother."
"Yeah true you should probably get to bed" he said pulling me up. We walked to my room and sat on my bed.
"That guys deserves to die you know that, right" he said.
"He's never done that before that's what I don't get" I said laying back on my bed.
"Well I about beat the shit out of him when he kissed you" he said with a giggle.
"Well how was I suppose to react I mean he was my boyfriend" I said just laying there.
"Was" he said with a grin.
I sat up and I didn't notice how close we were. I looked at his eyes then his lips. He pressed his lips on mine. Then pressed them harder. I leaned back on my bed as he was on top of me. He pulled away to breathe.  Then he stopped.
"I am so stupid" he said leaning over me, whispering. With his necklace dangling from his neck.
"No you aren't" looking back at him.
"You just broke up with your ex that you dated for a year and here I am making out with you" he said trying to back off of me.
I pulled him back. He leaned back over me. Then he started kissing me again.
We stopped and leaned on my bed. 
"I should probably be going to bed" he said standing up.
"Will you stay with me, please" I said looking at him.
"Will it be okay with your brother" he said looking at me.
"It should be" I said.
He climbed into my bed and laid there. He was really warm. So I leaned up against his chest as he put his arm around me and soon enough I was asleep.

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