Chapter 18

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We arrived at a house in the middle of the woods. We went inside and found our rooms. There were 6 rooms in the house.
"Welcome" a girls voice said behind us. We turned around, "I am Nadia the own of this house, also your mothers friend"
The girl had black skin. She was gorgeous. She was medium height to.
She spotted my mom. We were all silent.
"Oh dear what happened" she ran over and pulled Cody's arm and he put mom on the couch.
"Where is your father at" she said looking around. We all looked down. I was holding my belly with tears in my eyes.
"He got shot in the leg he told us to go ahead" Cody said hugging me.
"Oh dear" she said looking at us in sympathy.
"So are you going to keep us safe" I said hiding my tears and sitting down with m hand on my belly.
"Of coarse I am, especially with a baby on the way" she said coming over and crouching in front of me, "may I," she said pointing to my stomach.
"Yes" I said leaning back.
She put her hand on my stomach and smiled.
"I remember having a little one in my stomach" she looked upset after she said that.
"What happened" I said.
"Well the world is a terrible place as you know, so I'm a witch and my husband was a werewolf" she paused for a second, "our baby was a mix, the caddies came and my husband tried to save us both but he got shot and my baby got taken away" she sniffled.
"I am so sorry" I said sitting up.
She just gave a small smile then held my hand.
"I will keep you and this baby safe" she said lightly squeezing my hand.
I smiled with tears in my eyes. Her hand was still feeling.
She jumped.
"Did I.." she paused as I laughed.
"Yes the baby spoke" she gave out a small smile with a laughed.
Then it hit me.
"You heard it" I said with big eyes.
"I surely did" she said with a big smile.
"I'm not the only one" I said with a huge smile.
Mommy are you there.
Yes I am darling. I said
I was scared when grandpa yelled.
I was to. I said tearing up.
Nadia had a sympathetic smile.
"How can you hear the baby to" I said confused.
"We'll find out, but first let me find out what's wrong with your mother." She said walking over and sat by my moms side.
Nadia moved her hands above my moms body. After she was done she got up and got a few things.
"Your mothers body is very stressed, she used a lot of her energy" Jake came over and held my hand.
"So what's going to happen" I said sitting up a little bit.
"I'm going to do a spell on her to lower her body stress, it's going to take awhile for her to wake up" Nadia said getting her supplies ready. She had
• 1 red candle
• 1 white candle
• Lavender oil
• Cinnamon oil
• Piece of red jasper
• Piece of clear quartz
She was mumbling something. I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. She stopped then stood up. She walked over to me and smiled.
"It's done" she said.

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