Chapter 8

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"Bella" I heard Camerons voice echoing.
I looked around not seeing any one or anything. It seem to be a big dark room.
"Hello" I called out to the dark.
I got no answer.
Then all of a sudden I heard my dad scream, then my mom, added by my brothers. They were coming from different directions. I couldn't keep up with them, I put my hands over my ears and dropped to the ground. I screamed and screamed. They wouldn't shut up. Then it all went silent.
I got up and looked around. Yet again it was a pitch black room. I turned one more time and Cameron stood in front of me with a knife.
"I'm sorry Bella" he said crying while repeating himself.
He grabs a good grip of the knife and goes to stab me. My face turned to terror. Just before he stabbed me Jake popped up and stabbed him. The horror in my eyes must've been unbelievable, tears started running down my checks.
Then I woke up.
"Hey hey hey, are you okay" I heard Cody's voice while he was shaking me awake.
"Where am I" I said getting up looking around wanting to be home.
"You're at the safe house still" he said picking me up and taking me into my room.
"What happened" he asked laying by me.
"It was just a dream" I said trying to shake it off.
"That wasn't just a dream" he said pulling me close to him.
"I'll tell you it tomorrow" I said trying to sleep.
"Okay and I set up a date for you to talk to your boyfriend." He said slowly falling asleep.
"When?" I asked sitting up.
"Tomorrow" he said pulling me back down.
"Okay" I said relaxing a bit.
What if those dramas were real? What if he wants to kill me? I just laid there for a bit. I checked to see if Cody was sleeping. I moved his arm and went to the kitchen to get milk. I went through the living room and saw Jake laying on the couch sleeping. I smiled as I walked back to the room and layed back down.
Then I fell asleep.
I woke up to the smell of eggs and pancakes. I got up and checked my self in the mirror I fixed my hair and my runned down makeup from last night.
I walked out.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" said Cody smiling at me.
Jake was awake sitting at the counter. He turned around and smiled then turned back around.
"Are you always up this early" I asked smiling.
"Do you think he's ever up this early? He's the laziest ass you could ever meet" Jake said laughing.
"I believe it if he's anything like me" I said sitting by Jake.
"You guys are all asses" my brother said with a little giggle.
"My little niece isn't an ass" my aunt said joking, "but I don't know about you two."
I took a swig of my milk and started laughing. We all were laughing and it reminded me of the good ol' times.
"Geez you elephant" my brother said making another joke that made me laugh again ,"how much liquid can you hold in your damn mouth"
"You'd be surprised" I said with a giggle. I haven't actually laughed for awhile. I'm actually kinda happy.
"So more about you meeting up with your boyfriend" Cody said.
Jakes face turned from a smile to a frown.
"I still don't think it's a good idea" Jake said.
"Why" I said looking at him.
"Well who knows what he'll try to do" he said looking back at me.
"Well I know him he wouldn't dare to do anything" I said coming back fast.
"It's an act Bella don't you notice if he really cares then he would've told you" he said.
"Like you would know" I snapped.
"I do know" he said getting frustrated.
My brother just stood back watching as his eyes got bigger.
I could feel my gave burn up, I turned around and went into my bedroom. Slammed the door and locked it. He barely knows me or him, he has no right to judge him.
I heard a knock on my door.
"Bella I didn't mean it" Jake said.
"Yeah you did" I said.
"Let me in so we can't talk please" he said I didn't move, "Bella please."
I got up and unlocked the door.
He walked in and sat on my bed.
"I'm sorry I snapped" he said looking down.
I stayed quiet as I tried to find what I was going to wear for the day.
"Bella did you hear me," he asked standing up.
"Loud and clear" I said back.
"Okay well don't be mad at me please" he said.
"How could I not you have no Idea who me and my soon to be ex boyfriend is" I said.
"I know more than you think" he said walking over to me.
"What do you mean" I asked turning around.
"I mean I know those kinds of mixes" he said coming closer to me, "i was with your brother most if the time when he was looking after you, and i was also your brothers best friend when he "died" and I went missing."
"That was you" I said with my mouth opened. I swore he was my soul mate when i met and him met.
"Yeah" he said smiling and looking up.
We were so close. The force was so strong. He leaned in and kissed me. It felt all right. Everything fell together. Then he backed away. His face turned serious.
"I'm sorry" he said scratching the back of his head looking down.
"It's fine" I said smiling as I bit my lip.

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